Liars Lie
Dr. James Fetzer is a genius at getting people to align into two sides and then getting them fighting about something that is based on speculations and claims that were never established evidence. This ensures that people do not look at the real evidence. Evidence does not have a side and does not necessitate a so-called debate. Some people insist on facts, and do their own research while others just accept theories and opinions. Fetzer is also brilliant when it comes to dispensing ad homonyms while regularly claiming that others engage in such despicable behavior. Hear an example of this in the following “debate:” Date with a Debate: Fetzer vs. Johnson
If Fetzer and his colleagues actually had evidence instead of theories, they would file a law suit. If Halbig had the law enforcement experience that he claims, he would know that one does not appear before a school board to ask questions about a criminal investigation. That was all just for show, to “prove” that he was using the donation money “to find the truth.” Ludicrous theories merely divert people away from the evidence. What are the hoaxers covering up? It is also very interesting how the hoaxer theories spilled over into the mainstream with CIA Anderson Cooper featuring Dr. James Tracy on January 11, 2013. Cooper refers to the “horrific shootings” in Newtown in which twenty-six people were killed and says that “tonight we expose a number of people who are claiming that the Sandy Hook shootings were staged.” Cooper said that normally, they would not give such claims airtime. Purporting not to want to give airtime to such claims, he proceeds to do just that. Cooper, to make sure that viewers have the correct name repeats it in consecutive sentences and then tells the viewers that Tracy has a blog. One must also recall that, within 12 hours, someone published just 27 seconds of an 18-minute CNN video of Robbie Parker’s press conference. Who benefits if people think that Sandy Hook was a hoax?
Fetzer needs to step up to the plate and redeem his reputation by providing all of the facts in a law suit. It is the legal and ethical thing to do instead of covering up what he calls a hoax; it is a crime. When the deniers are presented with facts, they reject them as has been the case in the so-called “debates” in which Fetzer has participated. Fetzer does not seem to be looking for the truth but uses debates to obfuscate the truth while bullying and attacking his opponent. If he has legitimate evidence that Sandy Hook was a hoax, then he should file a law suit. After all, it is a crime to cover up a crime.
It is a crime for a citizen to lie to the government or its members. Fetzer has repeatedly claimed that “nobody died” at Sandy Hook, EXCEPT when he was in front of the school board. In front of the school board, Fetzer acknowledged that the school was occupied and that children died there that day. Now, why would he change his story ONLY to the school board, and then switch back after that meeting? Perhaps it has something to do with his lawyer’s advice or his personal knowledge to not lie to government employees? Halbig was apparently given the same advice. Neither of them told the school board that no children were killed or that the school was not operational. Here they were, in front of employees of the government (school board) yet Fetzer and Halbig changed their story to say that yes, children died and they conceded that the school was operational.
See Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, which prohibits knowingly and willfully making false or fraudulent statements, or concealing information
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement.
Fetzer, on page 39 in his book, claimed, “Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper, school principal and nationally recognized school safety expert, may be the leading researcher into the Sandy Hook affair.” Halbig never made it past his probationary period as a Florida State Trooper. He was not a nationally recognized school safety expert. He is a legend in his own mind. Halbig, who has filed numerous lawsuits for various things, admitted that the Daniel Honan Funeral Home handled eleven of the bodies from the Sandy Hook School shooting. If no one died, then there would have been no bodies for the Daniel Honan Funeral Home in Newtown to handle.
Halbig knows that children died on 12/14/2012 but why tell the truth when lying is so financially beneficial and when he has gained so much notoriety and he finally feels important? He certainly did not attain that status bouncing from school to school in Florida. This clip is from my interview of Halbig on March 3, 2014:
The photos that Halbig used were cherry-picked from the official report. Most of the schools in America are in a deplorable condition according to Condition of America’s Public School Facilities: 2012–13. [1]
Halbig, instead of asking pertinent questions, has an obsession with who ordered the Porta-Potties which were delivered at 1:28 pm on 12/14/2012. This information was taken from the police dash-cam videos which Halbig received and which were part of the final report which Halbig claims to have read but did not seem to know anything about when I interviewed him (3/3/2014). Halbig has wasted thousands of donation dollars to obtain something that was already available. He has also used those donations to sue numerous people who happen to disagree with him.
It is sheer irony that Halbig would approach the school board about the toxicity at Sandy Hook when he concealed the toxic mold issue from the parents of the school where he functioned and was being paid as the Director of Security and Safety by saying “You do not want to hear about the toxic mold because it gets parents really upset and the last thing I want to do is create problems that cannot be fixed…” Halbig has a history of filing workers compensation claims against his employers at Lake County and Seminole County Schools. The school that Halbig worked at as Director of Security and Safety had issues. He claimed that he was suffering from respiratory issues. He said the “district was turning off air conditioning chilling units at night, which was causing toxic mold, and he believes he was exposed to it over a four year period.”
David Ray Griffin wrote Cognitive Infiltration, an Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9-11 Conspiracy Theory, a response to Cass Sunstein’s argument for a new counterintelligence operation. Griffin was a guest on many radio programs and was applauded for his views. Strangely, and suspiciously discriminatory, some of the same people who praised and applauded Griffin for writing about Sunstein, now seemingly with collective memory loss, criticized the late Michael Collins Piper for referring to Sunstein in his recent book, False Flags, Template for Terror. Such selective appreciation may function as a purposeful benefit or an indictment, depending on the agenda and the participants. Piper quoted the propagandist Jonathan Kay, “Elaborate conspiracy theories now can be cobbled together literally overnight through the efforts of hundreds of scattered dilettante conspiracists. Another result is that conspiracists all around the world now tend to focus on the same few dozen talking points that figure prominently on the top websites.”
Cass Sunstein, Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (9/10/2009 – 8/21/2012) suggested that the government should attempt to discredit the “truth movement,” with preposterous propaganda disguised as legitimate information presented by seemingly credible people, only to be shown later for what they actually are. Then those who may have believed the fabrications would lose all confidence and faith in the alternative media. People may then move on to believe in what the government wants them to believe. Provocateurs drum up dissent, division, and distrust within the so-called “truth” movement. Repetition of those seemingly reasonable claims on numerous radio shows lends an air of credibility to them. Thus, change agents never actually change their static positions and depend on others to embrace and redistribute those easily-remembered propaganda phrases. The talking points remain the same, retaining the same basic implication that the officials have lied to the population and that astute truth-seekers need to courageously demand answers at all costs.
“What can government do about conspiracy theories? Among the things it can do;
what should it do? We can readily imagine a series of possible responses. (1)
Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help. Each instrument has a distinctive set of potential effects, or costs and benefits, and each will have a place under imaginable conditions. However, our main policy idea is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories, which involves a mix of (3), (4) and (5).”
I do not suggest that the leading Sandy Hook hoaxers are government employees. However, the consequence of their disinformation damages the veracity of the entire alternative media. Expecting the truth, people often look to the alternative media and are willing to believe well-trained persuasive provocateurs who find “experts” that they may exploit to support their allegations. Some people accept the “expert’s” conclusions, without critically thinking about their claims. People have a tendency to categorize the media – assuming that the majority of information coming from the MSM is deceptive while the data emanating from the alternative media is true. There is truth in both. Some people think in terms of black and white without considering the gray areas. As I have often said, “repetitive inaccuracies and speculations are often mistaken for the truth while the truth, validated by actual verifiable evidence becomes the lie.”
On page 34 in Fetzer’s book, Maria Hsia Chang (aka: Dr. Eowyn) claims that The WayBack Machine proves that SHES was closed. The WayBack Machine also shows big gaps at Lake Mary High School in Florida where Halbig was Vice Principal. Was his school closed?
One of the major fallacies that Fetzer commits is called “special pleading” in that he cites only the evidence that is favorable to his claims while omitting anything that does not support his allegations. In as much as all of Fetzer’s claims have been thoroughly debunked, he is intentionally disseminating disinformation. It is unfortunate that repetitive inaccuracies and speculations are often mistaken for the truth while the truth, validated by actual verifiable evidence becomes the lie.
Those claims that have been made since the publication of Fetzer’s book have also been debunked such as the allegation that David Wheeler, a Sandy Hook parent who lost a child played an FBI agent that day. C.W. Wade debunked this on December 29, 2015 in an article titled “Sandy Hook David Wheeler plays FBI Agent DEBUNKED.”
Dr. Fetzer claims that his book bristles with photos, analysis and proof. I have read his book from cover to cover. That is how critical thinkers conduct research – they look at both sides. Has Dr. Fetzer evaluated the Scrapbook, Sandy Hook Elementary School, 2011-2012 where one will see hundreds of images of activities at the SHES during the years that he and his colleagues claim that it was closed? Has he looked at the images and reports in the CSP Final Report? Has he ordered any death certificates of the victims from Newtown? I doubt it. He disregards any information that opposes his theories, ignores questions and keeps pushing his book to reinforce those theories. That does not suggest critical thinking but just the opposite – a deliberately closed mind or else he is simply a LIAR. Fetzer attributes any information that conflicts with his narrative as part of the alleged hoax. While he promotes critical thinking as a discipline, he certainly does not personally engage in it. Dr. Fetzer resorts to ad hominems when others counter his claims.
Halbig has conceded to have collected at least $100,000. The figure might be as high as $200,000. During his interactions at hearings with people in Newtown, he has engaged in typical Halbig antics such as blowing his nose on a Sandy Hook support T-shirt. From C.W. Wade: “Halbig spent thousands of donor dollars to pursue Unreleased Dash Cams and Original Newtown Police Officer Statements. Halbig is in exclusive possession of hundreds of work orders proving Sandy Hook was fully operational. He is also in exclusive possession of hundreds of emails from Dawn Hochsprung that also disprove the idiotic Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. Halbig offers only edited, controlled release of a few out of context samples of these documents and only the ones that support his narrative. Any documents that do not support Halbig’s narrative are not released.”
Some people claimed there was foreknowledge of the event and that people created websites memorializing the victims before the shootings. A mistake that many people make is due to their ignorance and complete lack of understanding on reconfigured domains and IP addresses. IP addresses and domain names are two different issues. When someone creates a domain name, he or she has to set up a DNS record for that domain to reside on an already existing IP address. An IP address is only a unique identifier for a computer that is connected to the internet. WHOIS reports the information based on the last updated information for the IP address connected to that domain name. Existing IP addresses are assigned to newly created domain names. When looking at domain names, the only real info that needs to be considered is the domain’s creation date. Domain names are registered and attached to an IP address of an existing computer server. This may also occur when someone re-configures a domain for another purpose.
On page 6 of his book, Fetzer wrote, “…it was not in compliance with both federal and state laws required in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act” then he supplied a blurry image from Maria Hsia Chang (aka: Dr. Eowyn). Is that the extent of his research on the ADA? His book is NOT a primary source but a compiled secondary source of “research” by other people. Serious researchers use primary, not secondary sources. He continues to refer people to his book and reiterate what he claims are facts while denigrating and ridiculing those who disagree. That is commentary on him and his name, not those who are asking legitimate questions.
The school was completed in the mid-1950s. Under Title III of the ADA, all NEW construction (construction, modification or alterations) after the effective date of the ADA (approximately July 1992) must be fully compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG)[11] found in the Code of Federal Regulations at 28 C.F.R., Part 36, Appendix A. The ADA applies to NEW construction, not to buildings that were constructed in the mid-1950s. SHES did have some handicap parking in front of the building.
The Department of Justice published revised regulations for Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 “ADA” in the Federal Register on September 15, 2010. These regulations adopted revised, enforceable accessibility standards called the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design “2010 Standards” or “Standards”. The 2010 Standards set minimum requirements – both scoping and technical — for NEWLY designed and constructed or altered State and local government facilities, public accommodations, and commercial facilities to be readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.
Dr. Vivian Lee published Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax at Veterans Today in January 2014 and referred to Kelley Watt (aka: Kelley from Tulsa) and the Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988, legislation that Watt applied to Sandy Hook in an attempt to try to prove that the investigators had a legal responsibility to track the clean-up, such as the blood evidence, all the way to the incinerator with names and dates. If Dr. Lee had checked Watt’s reference, as any legitimate, experienced researcher would, she would have discovered that it referred to an expired legislative act. The linked web site indicates that this was a two-year program from June 24, 1989 to June 21, 1991, in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island and Puerto Rico. [2]
The Medical Waste Tracking Act was an issue in the debate between Fetzer and Keith Johnson, on January 23, 2014. The debate focused on the claims made in Lee’s article. During the debate, Johnson totally explained the restrictions and applications of the legislation. Despite having this act fully explained, Fetzer, Watt, and Lee continue to use that legislation to falsely claim that officials did not appropriately handle the blood evidence at Sandy Hook. Evidently, they rely on people not looking at the citation to discover the truth. C.W. Wade wrote, “The fact is 63 boxes of hazardous waste were removed from the school and the clean-up was performed by a certified Connecticut company, CleanHarbors, That is in Book 2, Document 198991 which contains the supplemental report on the cleanup
Dr. Vivian Lee wrote, “The Sandy Hook shooting appears to have been an Integrated Capstone Event (ICE), an exercise run by FEMA to coordinate federal, state and local emergency response teams in the case of a mass-casualty event. As such, it would have utilized actors and media partners to simulate a tragedy in order to train participants, and also in order to observe the reaction of the citizenry.” All Capstone Events are conducted in Anniston, Alabama under the direction of the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) and funded by the Department of Homeland Security. Lee gave the proper CDP web site, again probably relying on people not looking at the citation. Find more information here.
In Fetzer’s book, Allan Powell wrote, “The photos in this chapter show various stages of preparation of the house as a prop for the story of Adam Lanza the shooter. There are different takes on the décor of Adam Lanza’s bedroom for instance: messy, “normal” and pristine.” Powell totally ignored the chronological order of the images and used photos out of order to prove his ludicrous theories. For instance, the very last image in his chapter was Section 5, Back-up Scene #618 out of a total of 667 images. This suggests that Powell went through a lot of images to selectively choose those that supported his theories. At one point, on Fetzer’s program, Powell claimed that the images were leaked to him by an insider. All of the photos that he used are from the official reports.
On September 24, 2014, on the Alex Jones website, a writer claimed, “Recently released FBI crime statistics curiously appear to show that no murders occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012.” The Connecticut State Police assumed full responsibility for the investigation and reported its statistics to the FBI. The Newtown Police Department did not report the murder statistics because it did not conduct the investigation. The individual who wrote the story failed to understand the reporting system and looked at the wrong FBI statistics (table no. 11 instead of table no. 8). The article included a link to an FBI site, which uses the voluntary Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR). Table no. 8 gives various statistics for each city/town. Of course this faulty reporting is in Fetzer’s book, in the chapter written by Dr. Eowyn (Maria Hsia Chang) who Fetzer regards as “a meticulous scholar.” Yet, without the research of Shill Murray, we would not even know Eowyn’s real name.
Photos were taken over a 7-day period in consecutive order by Detective Arthur Walkley with back-up films by Detective Michael Tranquillo as stated in the report. Report #00118939, page 1 states, “On Friday, December 14, 2012 beginning at approximately 1546 hours (3:46 PM) and concluding on Thursday, December 20, 2012 at approximately 2130 hours (9:30 PM) detectives of the Western District Major Crime (WDMC) Van Squad processed the interior scene of a mass murder shooting incident at the Sandy Hook Elementary School located at 12 Dickinson Drive in the Sandy Hook section of the Town of Newtown, Connecticut. This scene was processed under the authority of a Consent to Search.” Those assigned were:
Supervisor: Sgt. Jeffrey Covello #167,
Scene: Det. Karoline Keith #533,
Primary Photographs: Det. Arthur Walkley #589,
Back Up Photographs: Det. Michael Tranquillo #464,
Evidence: Det. Daniel Siby #810,
Video: Det. Steven Ruspsis #1260,
Sketch Map: Collision Analysis Reconstruction Squad (12/14/2012 to 12/15/2012): Sgt. William Telford #257, TFC. Joseph Russo #449, TFC. Anthony Cretella #1039
Assist-processing scene: Det. Raymond Insalaco #748 (12/15/2012 -12/20/2012)
Assist-processing scene: Det. Frank Mugavin #802 (12/15/2012 -12/20/2012)
(TFC stands for Trooper First Class)
Were all of these people and thousands more in on the alleged hoax?
On pages 119-120 of Fetzer’s book, Kelley Watt, referring to a document in the computer room, claims, it is “an evaluation form for those managing the arrangement, which will appear in many of these exhibits–on top of desk.” Page 468 of Sec 4 of the Primary Scene photos taken by the investigators shows that it is search and seizure warrant. The form shown on page 468 matches the report found in Book 4 on page 9 (00194593).
On page 118 of the book that Fetzer edited, Allan Powell states, “The Lanza home was set up to resemble a home of a mentally deranged twenty-year-old who killed his mother and drove a Honda to kill over two dozen at the school.” Tell us, what would a home like that resemble? On page 119, Kelley Watt, Powell’s co-author stated, “There is no bulletin board, sports memorabilia, iPads, iPods, headphones, stereo equipment, trashcan, trophies, pictures, magazines, caged pets (such as a snake or hampster) plants, shoes or shirts, video games or flat screen TV. These items are typical in the room of a 21-year old.” Did Fetzer even read this “book?” AL was 20, not 21. Is a hampster an animal that lives in a hamper? It should be hamster. Who edited this work of fiction and fabrications?
During an actual drill, officials post a sign saying, Police Training in Progress, Do Not Enter. According to the FEMA guidelines, local school officials usually conduct drills on a closed campus when children are not present. Many school administrators also suggest that a drill is a good experience for older, high school-age children but they would never consider exposing elementary-age children to such a traumatic experience. In a drill, the participants must say, at the beginning and end of every communication, “This is an Exercise.” There were no such communications or any actual evidence of a drill on December 14, 2012. Parents must also give their permission to have their child participate in a drill. Further, all participants wear a name tag. The people in the photos (often copyrighted) that Fetzer used in his book are NOT wearing a name tag.
In an article, dated October 8, 2014, on his personal blog, Dr. James Tracy claims that a “newly discovered Federal Emergency Management-Department of Homeland Security document designated ‘For Official Use Only’ reveals plans for a ‘Site Activation Call-down Drill Exercise Plan,’ otherwise known as a ‘Mass Casualty Drill.” While FEMA and the DHS provide guidance on carrying out a drill, local agencies actually create and execute their own drills. Tracy had a link purportedly showing this FEMA-generated plan. The “plan” was actually an MS Word document, under Site Activation Call-down, Exercise Plan (ExPlan), borrowed from the Massachusetts Health and Human Services that someone, probably Tony Mead, edited to claim that FEMA planned a special operation at Sandy Hook. The document may be altered according to the entity that is running the drill. Whoever edited the document was apparently insufficiently skilled as he did not edit out the part that states, “All communications (written, radio, telephone, etc.) made during the exercise will begin and end with the phrase ‘This is a drill.’” He also gave the wrong email address for the contact person. That sign was placed on 12/15 to keep reporters and others away from the crime scene. The FEMA manual in the Appendix is a fabrication.
In 2012-2013, there were 456 students enrolled. On page 25 of Fetzer’s book, he stated that there were 600 students attending Sandy Hook in 2012. Yet, on page 47, it states that 469 students in 2012. Yet, Fetzer maintains that the school was closed. In the meeting with the school board, Fetzer acknowledged that the school was open and that children died. The Newtown Bee, the Danbury Newstimes and the Newtown Patch produced about 180 articles about Sandy Hook Elementary between 2008 and 2012. If Fetzer and his colleagues want to believe that the school was closed, that’s their prerogative. One may check enrollments, newsletters, etc. at the Newtown Schools web site.
Dr. Eowyn claims that none of the victims were listed in the Social Security Death Index. I found every one of them with the exception on one child. On January 21, 2014, I posted the SS information for all of the SH victims as found at Ancestry which uses the SSMI as its source. Didn’t Fetzer fact-check his writers or did he just accept their word for everything? One may also look at the Genealogy Bank web site. Eowyn claims that she looked at the Social Security Master Index. At that time, it cost $995 to access that index. Did she pay almost $1,000 dollars to look at the Master Index? Did either of her two sources, LivingPlanetZ or the anonymous person pay almost $1,000?
When Fetzer edited the book and selected the materials, he gave credence to the contributors and their work and should be prepared to defend them. He reiterates that there are “13 contributors, including 6 (current or retired) college professors and other experts.” In as much as the majority of the book is the “research” of other people, that provides Fetzer with plausible deniability.
Are we to believe the people who falsely claim that the school was closed? Did those perpetrating the alleged hoax purchase the expensive SMART boards for all of the classrooms and SMART Unifi 45 projectors and the SMART table just to stage the supposed empty SHES for a drill? Did they furnish the lobby with several December 2012 magazines, the poinsettia plants, and goldfish in bowls and have the coffee brewing in the teacher’s lounge before the event, what they call a drill? Yet, these alleged perpetrators were so incredibly inept that they somehow forgot to “drill holes in the windows of classroom 10 until late on 12/14” as claimed by Allan Powell on pages 154-55 in the chapter titled Setting the Stage: Refurbishing the School in Fetzer’s book? Fetzer and friends falsely claim that there was no Internet activity after 2008. Yet, there are photos in the crime scene reports of a fully functional computer lab. Did the so-called perpetrators purchase computers just to stage a FEMA drill?
Fetzer admits, “Once you acknowledge that some of the evidence has been fabricated or faked, however, the case begins to assume a completely different character.” The book is full of fabrications, as well as cropped and chopped images. If the deniers have to fabricate much of their evidence, what does that say about them?
[1] Condition of America’s Public School Facilities: 2012-13, National Center for Education Statistics,
[2] Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988,; retrieved 12/19/2017
The Sandyhook Hoaxer community epitomizes being “Dumbed Down.” I have yet to meet or correspond with a Hoaxer who is willing to look at the official report or extracts of it- doing so would be akin to reading the “Satanic Bible” for a practicing Christian.
Yet, when asking for proof or sources for ridiculous claims, the answer is invariably, “do some research,” ie, watch a YouTube video. Regarding Fetzer’s Plausible deniability, I believe his reason for Editing a book with several contributors is to establish legitimacy by number, much like a quick scan of YouTube Hoaxer videos could sway somebody ignorant of the facts. Safety in numbers.
The police dash cam video Halbig received did not have time and date stamps. He was given video from a different car. If there were children in the school that day, why no video of the evacuation of hundreds of children?
The CSP will not release the Seabrook and Sinko DVDs. However, Newtown already released those videos via an FOI and are publicly available. A person may easily access the time and date of a video via options. It is as easy as changing the closed caption choice on a TV.
The Chapman and Bahamonde videos were NOT released to the public. They show the massive evacuation of children from the north east corner of the school where most of the children were evacuated.
Halbig has received dozens of SHES work order documents that he failed to look at and six months later asked for those very same documents. He has not released those documents to his followers. He has also never given an accounting for the donations he has received yet demands that United Way release its records even though they are freely available online.
I personally would not put a lot of faith in Halbig’s research abilities given that he graduated from high school with a 1.0 GPA and made it through college on a football scholarship. He does have some skills that he maximizes. See
The Sandy Hook Hoaxers have produced real life consequences:
In April 2016, Matthew Mills, a 32-year old man from Brooklyn, accepted a plea agreement with prosecutors on one count of interfering with police arising from an incident in November 2015, when Mills angrily approached the sister of murdered teacher Victoria Soto (who is regarded as a heroine for her attempt to protect her students from the shooter in the Sandy Hook attack), shoved a photograph in her face, “and began angrily charging that not only did the Sandy Hook tragedy not take place, but that Victoria Soto never existed”. Mills entered a no contest plea and was given a suspended sentence of one year in jail and two years’ probation.
On December 5, 2016, Lucy Richards, a 57-year old woman from Tampa, was arrested after being indicted by a grand jury on four counts of transmitting threats in interstate commerce. Each count carries a maximum of five years in prison. The judge sentenced her to five months in federal prison, followed by five months of house arrest with electronic monitoring and three years of supervised release.
In May 2014, 28-year-old Andrew David Truelove stole a memorial sign from playgrounds dedicated to Sandy Hook victims Grace McDonnell and Chase Kowalski, and called the parents of Grace McDonnell, admitting that he stole the sign and that he believed their deaths were a “hoax”. He was eventually arrested and the signs were found in his home. Truelove was eventually convicted of the theft and sentenced to 12 months in prison with four months suspended.