Sandy Hook was Open and Functioning
Dr. James Fetzer, in the prologue of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, It Was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control, says, “Once you acknowledge that some of the evidence has been fabricated or faked, however, the case begins to assume a completely different character.” [1] That statement should also apply to Fetzer’s own book with its multitude of fabrications.
First, a few web sites demonstrating that Sandy Hook Elementary School was open and functioning during the time that Fetzer and friends claim that it was closed:
Sandy Hook Elementary School Web Site, 2010 (Most of the links on the left work)
Sandy Hook Fundraising Gala, March 13, 2010
Sandy Hook Elementary School Budget for 2010-2011
Sandy Hook Elementary School Budget for 2011-2012
Sandy Hook School Welcomes Incoming Kindergartners, Staff and volunteers register students for 2010 – 2011 School Year
See Dawn Hochsprung’s Tweets
One may also view the School Facilities Survey of SHES taken in August 2011. See that PDF here. Please also visit The Sandy Hook Connection for links to the school’s newsletters and information about the WayBack Machine. See: and*/
In the book that Fetzer edited, there are numerous claims that the SHES was “abandoned” in 2008. Sofia Smallstorm, in her video, Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4 and 5 Dimensions published on November 5, 2013, just before the CSP Final Report, used The Newtown Bee logo. (without permission)
The newspaper created a video titled A Quickened Tour Of Sandy Hook: A Trip On Bus 30. They shot and uploaded that video on August 19, 2009 as part of a Back to School special for the August 21, 2009 edition of the newspaper. If the school was closed, The Newtown Bee would certainly not have used that school in a back-to-school video. On November 18, 2013, after Smallstorm published her video, the Activist Post announced Newtown Bee Reporter Unravels Official Story of Sandy Hook evidently assuming that a local reporter was claiming that Sandy Hook was a hoax.
The bus driver in the 2009 video was Marsha Moskowitz shown in the image above. Marigolds, an annual flower, certainly would not have been planted if the school had been closed in 2008.
The image on the left above is Walkley Scene Photos #246. The one on the right shows the room number and is Walkley Scene Photos #503. Shill Murray, in his concise and very significant article, refers to the SMART board(s) and SMART Unifi projector(s). The SMART Table, also referred to by Murray is located in classroom six and is model ST230i which sells for $6,500 – $8,000 and weighs more than 153 pounds. It is just under the December 2012 calendar. In another article, Sandy Hook Elementary was Open, Part Six: the 2011-2012 Scrapbook, he presents dozens of photos taken in 2011-2012.
Photos were taken over a 7-day period in consecutive order by Detective Arthur Walkley with back-up films by Detective Michael Tranquillo as stated in the report. Report #00118939, page 1 states, “On Friday, December 14, 2012 beginning at approximately 1546 hours (editor’s note: 3:46 PM) and concluding on Thursday, December 20, 2012 at approximately 2130 hours (9:30 PM) detectives of the Western District Major Crime (WDMC) Van Squad processed the interior scene of a mass murder shooting incident at the Sandy Hook Elementary School located at 12 Dickinson Drive in the Sandy Hook section of the Town of Newtown, Connecticut. This scene was processed under the authority of a Consent to Search.” Those assigned were:
Supervisor: Sgt. Jeffrey Covello #167,
Scene: Det. Karoline Keith #533,
Primary Photographs: Det. Arthur Walkley #589,
Back Up Photographs: Det. Michael Tranquillo #464,
Evidence: Det. Daniel Siby #810,
Video: Det. Steven Ruspsis #1260,
Sketch Map: Collision Analysis Reconstruction Squad (12/14/2012 to 12/15/2012): Sgt. William Telford #257, TFC. Joseph Russo #449, TFC. Anthony Cretella #1039
Assist-processing scene: Det. Raymond Insalaco #748 (12/15/2012 -12/20/2012)
Assist-processing scene: Det. Frank Mugavin #802 (12/15/2012 -12/20/2012)
(Editor’s note: TFC stands for Trooper First Class)
Note the following images:
The photo above is from Walkley’s Scene Photos, #244. Please note the expensive projector and white board. Did FEMA operatives go to all of this trouble to furnish the school but yet at the very last minute, on the afternoon of the event, drill holes in the window of classroom 10 as alleged by Allan William Powell and then actually record it as stated on pages 154-155 of Fetzer’s book?
The above photo, showing Christmas decorations, is from Walkley’s Scene Photos #547 (classroom 10). One can see that much of the furniture has been moved. Please note that the photos were taken in consecutive order.
The above image is from Walkley Scene Photos #74 taken early in the evidence collecting period. The book The Obstinate Pen, in the bin on the floor, was published on April 10, 2012 by Henry Holt and Co. There is a defibrillator/monitor next to the library bin.
CFS 1200704597, SHES video Footage, WDMCS School Interior 2 of 5 taped on 12/15/2012 beginning at 1855. This photo shows the computer lab. Fetzer and friends deceptively claim that there was no Internet activity after 2008. Yet, here is a fully functional computer lab.
CFS 1200704597, SHES video Footage, WDMCS School Interior 2 of 5 taped on 12/15/2012 beginning at 1855. This photo shows a well-organized classroom.
CFS 1200704597, SHES video Footage, WDMCS School Interior 2 of 5. This photo shows the library.
Another shot of the library where one can see the white board and the SMART board and SMART Unifi projector.
Here is another image of the library. Note the snowman.
CFS 1200704597, SHES video Footage, WDMCS School Interior 3 of 5, 12/16/2012, 1422 hours. This image is of the music room.
Walkley’s Scene Photos #566 (taken later in the 7-day investigation period as the classroom was emptied of furniture). The reason that officials were emptying the rooms is because they were going to replicate the SHES at Chalk Hill School.
The above image is Walkley Scene Photos #232 before the furniture was removed. The image below is Walkley Scene Photos #567 showing the same classroom with the furniture removed.
Walkley Scene Photos #567 (above)
Walkley’s Scene Photos #570, classroom emptied of furniture.
Walkley’s Scene Photos #574 (classroom emptied of furniture) note the blood on the carpet. No, #574 is not the same as #547 (door decorated differently).
In Report #00118939 on pages 3-4, it states: “On the above mentioned date, time and location, members of the Western District Major Crime (WDMC) Van Squad processed the interior portion of the Sandy Hook Elementary School. The processing of this scene encompassed seven (7) consecutive days…on day 7 (12/20/2012): Final documentation and review documentation, 1000 to 2130 hrs. Assist movers by packing/removing furniture in immediate scene; Identifying/Organizing personal effects from classrooms (cont.), Closing of scene (Video/Photographs); Secure victims clothing on crime van; Secure from scene (2130 hrs.); Transport remaining evidence and clothing to WDMC Evidence Room (secured @ 2215 hrs.)
Signed TFC Karoline A. Keith, #533,
Supervisor Signature: Sgt. Jeffrey T. Covello #167
On page 32, in Fetzer’s book, Maria Hsia Chang selected Walkley Scene Photo #759 to try to prove her ludicrous claim that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed and that the classrooms and hallways were used for storage. The above image, #759, showing the furniture and all of the items that were in the classrooms. It was the next to the last photo in Walkley’s 760-image collection. The image below is Walkley Scene Photo #760. Chang had to scan through 760 (many redacted) to find just the right images to meet her devious objectives. Room 10 was located in that hallway. The photo above, Walkley Scene Photos #74, taken early in the process, does not show any clutter outside of the doorway.
As Shill Murray points out in his article, Sandy Hook Elementary was Open, Part Six: the 2011-2012 Scrapbook, the photo above, part of the 2011-2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School Scrapbook, is “the exact hallway “Dr. Eowyn” claimed was being used as storage at the time this photo was taken.”
No, Dr. Chang, Dr. Fetzer, Wolfgang Halbig, Allan Powell and others, the hall was NOT full of storage furniture. It was full of wonderful, beautiful children who felt safe and secure in their school. It was the Chinese Year of the Dragon (January.23, 2012 to February 9, 2013). It was Monday, January 30, 2012, also Spirit Day at SHES, and they were enjoying the festivities while learning about other cultures. See The Sandy Hook Connection, page two for reference to that day. Miss Victoria Soto looked on from the doorway of her classroom where less than a year later she would be killed defending the children that she dearly loved.
Here is another photo of Miss Soto leading her beloved students in the First Grade 100th Day Parade in December 2012. A picture IS worth a thousand words. Please, hoaxers, explain the photos of the children. Or the children shown in the photo below.
Is that same hallway full of furniture – NO!
Are we to believe the people who falsely claim that the school was closed? Did those perpetrating the alleged hoax purchase the SMART boards for all of the classrooms and SMART Unifi 45 projectors and the SMART table just to stage the supposed empty SHES for a drill? Did they furnish the lobby with several December 2012 magazines, the poinsettia plants, and goldfish in bowls and have the coffee brewing in the teacher’s lounge before the event, what they call a drill? Yet, these alleged perpetrators were so incredibly inept that they somehow forgot to “drill holes in the windows of classroom 10 until late on 12/14” as claimed by Allan William Powell on pages 154-55 in the chapter titled Setting the Stage: Refurbishing the School in Fetzer’s book?
[1] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, p. 5
Note: As of 2/25/2017: James Tracy’s website is malware infected.
My dear goodness what luck that we had our school days in the years 50 and 60 without all that gear or school gadgets, we had to learn from the books and old wall plates and scrolls for the maps of geography. And we learned and made it for life and still have the profit of that learning even after 60 years. We learned much more than the children of today and much homework of all the lessons. And no calculator no computer no projector etc. I am still proud about our teachers of those old days. These young years after WW2. And that in the Netherlands of Continental Europe. What a training we had, perfect. Matthew
I cannot believe foolish Fetzer and the rest of the, “nobody-died gang”, continue to try and prove their lies. Has he lost his mind? I think so.
All of your books (which I have purchased) up to this one debunks the “official report/story” and then all of a sudden the official report is credible in the sandy hoax incident… I’ve lost all respect!
me too …
Have you actually read the book? If you had perhaps you would have a different viewpoint.
I went to, and it looks like there is no activity for academic year 2012-2013, which is when the shooting happened. I don’t see much in this report that indicates activity after June, 2012, which would be the end of the 2011-2012 year.
I’ve checked over 100+ elementary schools around the country between the years 2010 and 2013, SHES has less information available online than ANY other school in the country for this time period. Still…… not solid evidence that the school was closed.
The one “anomalie” I’ve yet to see an explanation is the video of an alleged swat team member walking toward the video cameraman holding a AR-15 rifle like a kindergartener with a pop gun who tries to hide his face when he notices he’s being filmed. As strange as that was it’s even more strange to see the same fat face swat team member later being interviewed on TV with his alleged wife claiming to be the parent of one of the slained children. The whole interview was an attack on guns and a promotion for gun control as the dead child or the alleged deranged shooter were not the topic of the interview…..So how do u explain what our eyes witnessed away…..The incident alone along with our govts known history of false flags and lying was enough for me to know sandy hook should forever be known as Sandy HOAX!! I’ve seen nothing in your research with concrete resolve to change my 2-bit opinion…..
Please visit
For the 10 Year Anniversary all of the caskets should be dug up, bodies exhumed, and DNA testing performed on the remains to match family members. Also to confirm that the remains are from 2012 and early 2013. Fully live streamed and recorded 24/7 for continuity and proof of legitimacy. From there, all documents the state of Connecticut is withholding are to be released, completely unredacted, to the public for review. From the autopsy reports to the contracts for the crime scene/biohazard clean up crew for all of the blood, brains, and pieces of human flesh from the site. Without full transparency, there can be no truth. As it stands, there exists no trustworthy evidence of any fatalities at Sandy Hook. If there is nothing to hide, there is nothing to lose. Anything else proves the hoax, conspiracy and government involvement in this event.
It might be advisable to exhume your family members to make certain that they are really your relatives and that they are dead. It might also be advisable to examine your mind to determine if it still functions and is rational.
For the 10 Year Anniversary all of the caskets should be dug up, bodies exhumed, and DNA testing performed on the remains to match family members. Also to confirm that the remains are from 2012 and early 2013. Fully live streamed and recorded 24/7 for continuity and proof of legitimacy. From there, all documents the state of Connecticut is withholding are to be released, completely unredacted, to the public for review. From the autopsy reports to the contracts for the crime scene/biohazard clean up crew for all of the blood, brains, and pieces of human flesh from the site. Without full transparency, there can be no truth. As it stands, there exists no trustworthy evidence of any fatalities at Sandy Hook. If there is nothing to hide, there is nothing to lose. Anything else proves the hoax, conspiracy and government involvement in this event.
It might be advisable to exhume your family members to make certain that they are really your relatives and that they are dead. It might also be advisable to examine your mind to determine if it still works or if it still functions.