Initial Claims about Sandy Hook
When people discourage others from looking at official records, it immediately raises suspicions. Regarding official records in general, if people were to read the official CDC reports, they would discover that toxic ingredients are in the recommended vaccines that potentially cause life-long side effects. The CDC relies on people NOT reading the official records. If people read the official reports within the healthcare system and realized that the healthcare industry kills at least 900,000 people a year, they would reconsider their healthcare options. Similarly, the Sandy Hook consensus cult relies on the fact that few people will read the official reports generated by the Connecticut State Police regarding Sandy Hook. Instead, many people in the psychologically-controlled “alternative” environment, often displaying an addiction for fiction, will accept the speculative statements from frequently unknown sources as verification that the government has perpetrated some kind of conspiracy. Yes, the government has regularly lied about the major events. However, bad things happen and the evidence and causality is there for those who diligently seek it.
The government, the major purveyor of real conspiracies, collaborating with the MSM, has the capability, the resources and the desire to infiltrate and misdirect real investigative efforts in the “alternative” media. Officialdom and their obfuscating agents spread relatively easily-debunked claims to discredit all “conspiracy theorists,” people who are actually attempting to disclose the identity of the real culprits behind contemporary as well as past events such as the Oklahoma City bombing and 9-11. The government uses what Michael Collins Piper calls Crisis Management Conspirators in his book, False Flags, Template for Terror. These infiltrators introduce and deliberately misdirect research with their nonsensical, distractive and irrelevant porta-potty style questions.
Following are the initial claims or Articles of Faith, made by January 30, 2013, regarding the mass shooting that occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012:
1) no children died at the Sandy Hook Elementary School
2) Sandy Hook was not an operating school
3) Social Security Death Index record stated that Adam Lanza died on 12/13/2012 (immediately corrected by the reporting entity – funeral home)
4) Adam Lanza did not exist
5) Mike Powers (Hollingsworth) on Joyce Riley’s The Power Hour, on January 16, 2013, said that logistically, Lanza could not have carried off the shooting
6) Introduced the idea of satanic worship, suggesting that even an infant in the way that she sucked on her fingers was somehow ritualistic
7) Introduced the idea that it was all about gun control and the disarming of the public, ignoring the influence of psychiatric drugs in every public shooting
8) re-introduced the scare tactic that the government has FEMA camps and 1.5 billion rounds of .40 caliber, hollow-point ammunition
9) introduced the idea that the Mossad may have been behind Sandy Hook
10) introduced the idea that other shootings were hoaxes staged by the government
11) introduced the idea that actors were used at Sandy Hook
12) introduced the idea that Sandy Hook was a drill
13) introduced the idea that officials were smirking at Aurora which they applied to Sandy Hook
14) introduced the idea of premeditation
Regarding Sandy Hook, one must ask who initially introduced these claims and what were their motives? Were they the government infiltrators that Piper mentioned? Are they the paid infiltrators who want to ultimately discredit all who seek alternative answers instead of accepting the first unsubstantiated speculative claims? Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule suggested that infiltrators should focus on the “third-party mass audience,” by using arguments and rhetoric repeatedly to reinforce it. We mean that government efforts might succeed in weakening or even breaking up the ideological groups. “Hearing only conspiratorial accounts of government behavior, their members become ever more prone to believe and generate such accounts.” To polarize a group, we suggest that the reversal of views by the introduction of other ideas. “Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.”
Sunstein says that people who accept things using weak or even non-existent evidence, that turns out to be false have crippled epistemologies. Most people rely on others in order to know what to think as they lack personal or direct information. Many conspiracy theories begin as a result of rumors and speculation, often erupting simultaneously in social networks. There are conspiracy entrepreneurs who propagate their theories for profit while others may be sincere and perhaps seek to achieve some social goal.
Sunstein is aware that speculative rumors inevitably erupt when bad things happen. Rumors seem plausible and provide a vehicle for outrage against the injustices we witness and experience. In the last several decades, Americans have suffered economically, culturally, socially and politically. Theories allow the average person to vent his/her anger at other entities who they might accuse of deliberate, intentional behavior. Many people require very little proof while others require hard scientific evidence before accepting an idea. The government may then “supply direct or indirect evidence” until the most skeptical people begin to accept the theory also. People often accept theories because it becomes a well-devised consensus. They will join the crowd even if the crowd is going in the wrong direction to retain “the good opinion of others” and not to polarize the group.
Lenin said, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” That statement is applicable to propaganda and information proliferation, in the mainstream media and in the “alternative” media. The “alternative” media is the most desirable and effective target for government/pharmacological/media infiltrators. People expect the truth and are willing to believe well-trained persuasive provocateurs that often create or locate “experts” that they use to support their allegations. Some people tend to accept the “expert’s” conclusions without critically thinking. Many are inclined to categorize the media – assuming that the majority of information coming from the MSM is all deceptive as opposed to the data emanating from individuals in the “alternative” media.
Again, one must ask who initially introduced these allegations about Sandy Hook and what were their objectives? Is it wise to dismiss the forewarning of Sunstein’s protocol-style policies by not applying them to what we are all witnessing within the “alternative” media? Are the same people who reject the idea of Sunstein-style infiltrators the very same people who declare that every event as a hoax? Did Sandy Hook serve as a template for any and all predictable future shootings and other events perpetrated by psych drug-controlled victims as many people in the “alternative” media have already done? These repetitive allegations function to discredit and marginalize the entire “alternative” media. Certain individuals have applied the same methodology retroactively to earlier mass shootings such as Columbine and Aurora. Additionally, in as much as the accused shooters were known to have been on psychiatric drugs, claiming that these tragic events were hoaxes serves as damage control for the very lucrative $50 billion dollar a year pharmaceutical industry, an industry that has paid millions (pocket change to them) of dollars to conceal the side effects, such as suicide or homicide ideation from the public. Who are the real actors in the “alternative” media – independent researchers who fail to join the consensus cult or the Crisis Management Conspirators?
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