Adam Lanza, Asexual?
I was reading Pam Killeen’s recently-published book, Survival of the Unfittest: How Wisdom Will Save Humans from Falling into Extinction. Pam said the following about SSRIs, “Because of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), potentially millions of SSRI patients are now asexual.” Adam Lanza stated in a forum that he was asexual. This, in addition to information that I found, further suggests that Adam Lanza had been taking SSRIs. He was also not a meat eater and consumed a lot of soy products. So disrupts hormonal balances and has contributed to the current epidemic of infertility, menstrual and other reproductive problems in humans as soy contains phytoestrogens.
Reed Coleman who has the web site Sandy Hook Lighthouse confirms that Adam Lanza did make a reference to himself being possibly asexual. It was on the Columbine RPG he frequented, in a thread “are you a virgin?” It was in response to another user claiming to be asexual based on a disinterest in sexual activity, and Lanza’s statement was: “Are you underweight? I used to think that I was asexual, but the primary reason why I thought that was because my BMI was 14.” That was on September 6, 2011. Reed submitted his research to Peter Langman at a few months ago and according to Reed, Langman’s team’s version of the Lanza forum thread archives are really the best to look up stuff like this. It is under ShockedBeyondBelief posts at
Source: Pam Killeen, Survival of the Unfittest: How Wisdom Will Save Humans from Falling into Extinction, Amazon, 2015, Kindle, Locations 728-729
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