Nobody Staged the House; it WAS the Lanza Residence, Part 1
The following statement is from an interview and has been posted in several places and attributed to Dr. James Fetzer: While the original comment referred to another issue, it is applicable to Sandy Hook. He allegedly said, “…The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable.”
Evidently, the most effective method of achieving that objective is repetition, repetition, repetition. Even some of the most respected people in the so-called alternative media are spewing the inept nonsense without ever doing any personal research. Key opinion leaders and their naive but apparently useful idiots disseminate the same initial claims or uncertainties about Sandy Hook that have been promulgated since December 14, 2012. In late 2015, to reemphasize the uncertainties (inept theories), Fetzer compiled a collection of these speculative ideas, all of which had already been thoroughly refuted many times. That compilation is Nobody Died at Sandy Hook; it was a FEMA Drill, edited by Fetzer, an acknowledged expert at advancing uncertainties and inept theories. Fetzer, claiming that Sandy Hook was a hoax wrote, “Once you acknowledge that some of the evidence has been fabricated or faked, however, the case begins to assume a completely different character.” [1] Shouldn’t Fetzer’s statement, perhaps a projection of what the hoaxers are accusing others of, be applied to fabricated FEMA manuals, ignorant misinterpretations of the WayBack Machine and other issues?
For example, Dr. Vivian Lee wrote a chapter in Fetzer’s book, originally published as Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax at Veterans Today in January 2014 (following the release of the official reports) when Dr. Lee was the “lead author with Sofia Smallstorm, James Tracy, and Jim Fetzer” and others. [2] Dr. Lee refers to Kelley Watt (aka: Kelley from Tulsa) and the Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988, legislation that Watt applied to Sandy Hook in an attempt to try to prove that the investigators had a legal responsibility to track the clean-up, such as the blood evidence, all the way to the incinerator with names and dates. If Dr. Lee had checked Watt’s reference, as an experienced researcher does, she would have discovered that it referred to an expired legislative act. The linked web site indicates that this was a two-year program from June 24, 1989 to June 21, 1991, in four states, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island and Puerto Rico.
The Medical Waste Tracking Act was an issue in the debate between Dr. James Fetzer and Keith Johnson, on January 23, 2014. The debate focused on the claims made in the article Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax. During the debate, Johnson explained the restrictions and applications of the legislation. Despite having this act fully explained to him, Fetzer, Watt, and Lee continue to use that legislation to falsely claim that officials did not appropriately handle the blood evidence at Sandy Hook. Evidently, they rely on their readers/listeners not looking at the citation to discover the truth. On March 24, 2014, after the said debate, Fetzer interviewed Watt on his radio show, The Real Deal. He said that Watt was “as honest as the day is long…” [3]
Regarding Allan William Powell, Fetzer wrote, “It became apparent that one of the leading experts on mischief in Connecticut resided half-way around the world.” Further, Fetzer said of Powell’s two chapters, (they) “are going to qualify as the most brilliant studies published on Sandy Hook, which provide unexpected but decisive proof that this was a staged event.” [4] One must question the accuracy of Fetzer’s perceptions and his research abilities or else his very dubious motivations. In the description of Powell in Fetzer’s book, it just states that he is retired but gives absolutely no information about his qualifications or experience, unlike the other contributors to Fetzer’s compilation. It appears that the more preposterous a person’s claims about Sandy Hook are, the greater chance that such a person would be a guest on Fetzer’s, The Real Deal.
With this bit of brief background, let’s examine the chapter, Fixing a Prop, Furnishing the Lanza Home that Allan Powell and Kelley Watt wrote, or that was included, in Fetzer’s book. Their premise is, “the Sandy Hook Elementary school and the Lanza Home were set up and stage-managed to support a false story that Adam Lanza killed his mother Nancy Lanza in their home and then went to the elementary school and killed 26 people.” [5] Powell also wrote the very next chapter in the book, Setting the Stage, Refurbishing the School which also contains major contradictions. Shill Murray and C. W. Wade have done an excellent job at deconstructing and refuting the allegations in the two chapters. I hope that I can add a few perceptions that might also be helpful to those interested in the truth. In order to assist the reader in understanding what occurred in what room of the Lanza home, see the Lanza Home Layout with evidence markers.
Powell maintains that the school was “refurbished” in late October or early November. Yet he also implies that the Lanza home and the school were staged at the same time. It was definitely Christmas time at both locations. Click on the images to see a much larger version.
Section 5, Back-up Scene 624, Farr, Scene Photos

Image #121; Notice the Christmas wreath on the front of the white truck. All of the vehicles in the parking lot at this point were service vehicles except those cars under the canopy from which investigators were extracting evidence. Powell claims that the school was staged in October facilitated by Meyer’s Moving and Storage. Then why is there a Meyer’s truck at the crime scene? Are “they” staging the school at the same time as the investigation or are they moving entire classrooms to the Chalk Hill School?
In June 2014, the legal documents regarding the Lanza divorce, finalized on September 24, 2009, were released which indicated that Nancy Lanza was authorized to make all of decisions regarding Adam. [6] According to one report, Nancy Lanza “switched doctors, medications, and schools, and nothing improved Adam’s condition enough.” [7] The couple would share joint custody of Adam who would live with his mother. [8] The divorce granted Nancy $240,000 a year. Peter Lanza transferred the home to Nancy in 2011. By 2012, Peter paid Nancy $289,000 with cost of living increases each year until he retired.
According to court records and an inventory filed on February 7, 2014, Nancy Lanza’s estate was worth about $64,000, not counting any insurance policies she may have had. The home on Yogananda Street was “heavily mortgaged.” The four-bedroom home on two acres had a fair market value of $360,000 but the mortgage was about $402,000, with an appraised value of over $540,000. [9] The Lanzas purchased the home in 1998 when the family moved from New Hampshire. In 1999, Nancy Lanza was a volunteer at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, evidently in Ryan’s class. Adam was in the first grade at the same school.
Section 4, Scene Search Day 3, Image #73 (left); Section 4, Scene Search Day 3, Image #74 (right) This card was from a box under some clothing in the corner of the closet in the second-floor master bedroom. Click on the images to see a much larger version. Did the “stage managers” create and plant this card? Those individuals that Powell refers to as “stage managers” are the detectives that conducted the search: Det. Ryan Luther, Det. Jeffery Payette, Det. Daniel Cargill, Det. David Lamoureux, Det. Keith Hoyt, and Det. Priscilla Vining who were supervised by Sgt. John Turner.
Powell theorizes, without any proof, experience or evidence whatsoever, that the Sandy Hook Elementary School and the Lanza home were part of a “psychological operation” implemented by the Department of Homeland Security. His poorly-constructed sentence states, “The Lanza home was set up to resemble a home of a mentally deranged twenty-year-old who killed his mother and drove a Honda to kill over two dozen at the school.” [10]
The fact is that “stage managers” or as described on another page, “intelligence agents on a training course/drill,” could not possibly stage anything in the house that would prove that AL was “mentally deranged” that would NOT ALSO INCLUDE adequate collaborative evidence from other sources, such as internet forums, validated independent sources and people. Powell did not correlate any of the out-of-sequence photos that he chose with the relevant reports which are what a legitimate researcher would do IF he really wanted to determine the meaning, the relevance and time-frame of the photos. Obviously, Fetzer, Powell and the other hoaxers (people who hoax their followers) are intentionally obfuscating the facts but why – just for financial gains; I think NOT. I suggest that it is a huge, well-funded DAMAGE CONTROL operation for big pharma.
The investigators seized many significant pieces of evidence that Powell never mentions. He obviously did not correlate any images with the official reports, including the summary report released by the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury. Even those seized items did not directly connect AL to Sandy Hook or give any indication that he was planning the shooting. There exists a documented history of Adam, almost since his birth, with dozens of witnesses, comments from his mother and others that suggest he had some very serious social/emotional issues. Powell must have been aware of this history in order to suggest that “stage managers” could somehow organize the house to “resemble a home of a mentally deranged twenty-year old,” whatever he imagines that might entail. If Powell is going to make such speculative, ludicrous claims, he should at least provide some particulars.
Shortly after telling the readers that the house was staged, the unsympathetic Powell refers to the two images of AL’s bedroom that he chose to use. He wrote, “There are no evidence markers in either image and it is hard to imagine why any investigation of the dead shooter’s room would forward any evidence for clearing up any issues which could be in contention in a trial especially given that the shooter was dead.” [11] He is implying that there was no reason to investigate the contents of AL’s room for a possible motive – despite the fact that there were twenty-eight people dead, including the shooter.
Reed Coleman elaborates on the information that investigators collected such as the Storejet Transcend USB drive that they found in AL’s bedroom closet. This external hard drive contained a folder with “Combat Arms Screen Shots” that had 172 images of the game where AL had used the name Kaynbred as his screen name. AL used other screen names: Smiggles (2010 – 2012), Blarvink (created by AL on February 4, 2007) and Kaynbred (beginning in June 2009). Coleman wrote, “Reviewing these photos in detail, the police picked up on the player name “Kaynbred.” Combat Arms is a “first person shooter,” so basically they were determining from which player’s viewpoint the screenshots were taken. They also made note that Kaynbred, along with a number of other players on his team, are members of a clan called mg14c. From here, the police requested search warrants from a judge to issue to Nexon America (the publisher/host of Combat Arms) which was then issued.” [12]
As Coleman points out, even a cursory reading of the Report of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012 released on November 25, 2013 talks about AL, Combat Arms, World of Warcraft, AL’s “obsession with mass murders, in particular the April 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado. Investigators however, have not discovered any evidence that the shooter voiced or gave any indication to others that he intended to commit such a crime himself.” [13]
Adam Lanza studied Sandy Hook’s security procedures. From the Child Advocate Report we read, “The attack on Sandy Hook Elementary appears to have been a purposefully thought-out and planned attack—AL did not just “snap.” He visited the school’s website on numerous occasions. He had looked at the student handbook and viewed security procedures at the school.” [14]
Sergeant Michael DeCesare used the Garmin Nuvi Model 550 GPS device removed from Lanza’s 2010 Honda Civic (CT Plate: 872YEO). The device contained twenty-six GPS Log History entries, from 04/23/2012 to 12/13/2012. The last entry was 12/13/2012 at 9:09 am, approximately 24 hours prior to the event. On 12/13/2012, when Nancy Lanza was still out of town, the GPS shows Lanza leaving the residence on Yogananda Street, traveling south to Berkshire Road, then north to Riverside. He turned right and drove past Dickinson Drive – the entry to Sandy Hook Elementary School. He continued approximately 0.6 mile, where he pulled off onto Chimney Swift Drive. “Lanza eventually retraced his route and returned home at approximately 0932 hours. There is no indication that he drove down Dickinson Drive onto school property.” [15]
Powell wrote, “The photos in this chapter show various stages of preparation of the house as a prop for the story of Adam Lanza the shooter. There are different takes on the décor of Adam Lanza’s bedroom for instance: messy, “normal” and pristine.” [16] Powell totally ignored the chronological order of the images and used photos out of order to prove his ludicrous theories. For instance, the very last image in his chapter was Section 5, Back-up Scene #618 out of a total of 667 images. This suggests that Powell went through a lot of images to selectively choose those that supported his theories. At one point, on Fetzer’s program, Powell claimed that the images were leaked to him by an insider. All of the photos that he used are from the official reports.
As Shill Murray, C. W. Wade, Reed Coleman, and others have pointed out in numerous articles, crime scene photos are taken in chronological order. Honest researchers are NOT going to present them out of sequence for nefarious reasons. Murray wrote, “Investigators are free to be as intrusive as they need to be in order to get their job done. From page 102 of Practical Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction by Ross Gardner and Tom Bevel: “The act of searching is very intrusive, taken only after the primary scene context is documented. The function of any search is to ensure that all evidence and details are noted.” The first images represent a particular scene exactly as the photographer found it. Thereafter, investigators tear the rooms apart to evaluate any evidence that might contribute to the investigation. The investigators obtained a search warrant.
Did Powell use the word “exhibit” in his article and on Fetzer’s radio show in order to add credibility to his claims? On pages 118-119, Exhibits 1 and 2, Powell and Watt used two photos, one of which was dark and difficult to decipher:
On the top, we see Adam Lanza’s bedroom on 12/20/2012, after the investigation; I lightened the image so that one could see what the investigators left. The image is from Book 2, 00195358 (Murray referred to this document), the Secondary Digital Photography Report and can also be seen in Farr, House Scene Photos. The images, 27 of them, referred to in that document were taken by TFC Peter. G. Farr on December 20, 2012. It is intentionally deceptive for Powell and Watt to suggest that this image was part of some sort of a staging. The other photo, on the bottom, Section 4, Primary Scene, Image 188, was taken before the investigators tore the room apart. On page 134, Exhibit 40, Powell and Watt claim there is no dust under AL’s bed (the Lanzas had a vacuum cleaner). Click on the images to see a much larger version.
Watt says, “Note the glider pad under the leg of the headboard in order to move the bed around for picture-perfect staging.” On page 126, she says, “Notice the moving pad under the leg of the footboard–just as we saw in Adam’s bedroom.” [17] There are absolutely no photos of either bed shown in any position other than the position that the photographer took them when he first arrived at the crime scene. AL’s bed was always on the east wall of the southeast bedroom. If we are to believe that “stage managers” brought in props, such as beds, they surely would have brought them in unassembled and then put them together in the appropriate rooms. There would have been absolutely no reason to “glide” or “move” them. Many homeowners (including me) use protective pads under heavy furniture whether it is carpet or hardwood floors.
AL’s bed, Section 5, Back-up Scene 1, #338
Nancy’s bed, Section 5, Back-up Scene #665. The paper on the chest at the foot of the bed is a search warrant. On page 128, Powell and Watt state, “In setting up this room, as in all the other rooms, the participants were graded. The graders were dumb enough to leave their evaluation forms.” No, that was a search warrant! Click on the images to see a much larger version.
There is actually a much better image of the protective pads under the “footboard” but Powell and Watt did not use it because it would have shown the gloved hand of one of the investigators. FEMA “stage managers” or “intelligence agents on a training course/drill” would have no need for gloves.
Photo (for those who have never seen an unassembled bed) is Section 4, Scene Search, Day 3, Image #19
Section 5, Back-up Scene #470. Click on the images to see a much larger version.
Powell and Watt deviously and deliberately distract the readers with their focus and idiotic claims about an insignificant “glider pad,” the absence of a blanket or an electric blanket, and heaven forbid, “there is no bulletin board, sports memorabilia, ipads, ipods, headphones, stereo equipment, trashcan, trophies, pictures, magazines, caged pets (such as a snake or hampster) plants, shoes or shirts, video games or flat screen TV.” Yes, these crack researchers misspelled hamster. They suggest that all of this “evidence” demonstrates that AL was “mentally deranged” while totally ignoring the most obvious idiosyncrasy in the room – the black plastic covering all three windows. They not only totally ignore the black plastic but also never even hint at why the so-called “stage managers” would even consider covering the windows with it.
Here are some images taken on day three of the investigation:
Section 4, Scene Search Day 3, Image #102 (left), Note the books taken from the closet and Section 4, Scene Search Day 3, Image #103 (right); and by the way, that paper is a search warrant. Click on the images to see a much larger version.
The following is from Smiggles (part of a private text message that Reed Coleman acquired). It was posted on Sunday, October 3, 2010 at 3:56am
He said, “On another tangent, what do you think about sunlight? Those drapes haven’t been opened in the last five years, and the drapes in the room I’m in right now have actually been taped shut (to block the gaps from allowing sunlight through) for the same amount of time. I absolutely hate sunlight, along with any artificial light which resembles it.” [18] The two rooms that AL (Smiggles) is referring to, in 2010, two years before the shootings, are the computer room which has the drapes that have not been opened since 2005 and his bedroom whose windows he covered with black plastic. Coleman suggests that there were computers in both rooms, particularly since there was so much computer equipment in the closet in the bedroom. In that same message, AL (Smiggles) says he has hallucinations.
Interestingly, Peter and Nancy Lanza took their son Adam to see Dr. Paul J. Fox, a psychiatrist, on September 11, 2005, about three weeks before he covered the windows in his room with black plastic. Dr. Fox diagnosed Adam with Asperger’s syndrome. Adam was not open to talk therapy. He was shy and withdrawn; so he would absolutely refuse to discuss his feelings or behavior with a relative stranger. Psychologists use talk therapy; psychiatrists prescribe pharmaceutical drugs such as Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). [19]
The first appointment with a psychiatrist is usually the longest as that is when he or she selects a condition from the DSM in order to determine what drug to prescribe. All future appointments usually last about ten to fifteen minutes, about the same as a physician, and are merely “medication management” sessions. Physicians, without a psychiatric diagnosis, readily write prescriptions for psychiatric drugs, making it unnecessary for a patient to visit a psychiatrist, both of which insurance will pay for, either private or of government. However, insurance does not pay for talk therapy, just drug therapy.
Given Dr. Fox’s prescribing practices, he likely prescribed one or more SSRI drugs for Adam as he had for other children about the same age. Dr. Fox recommended homeschooling, suggesting that the “disadvantages of sending Adam to a regular school were worse than those of isolating him from his peers.” [20] Coleman says, “There was regular billing until July 2007 …but then one final payment came in October 2008, shortly after the shooter had started attending WCSU for high school credit.” [21]
Adam, almost weekly, experienced “episodes that sent him into complete withdrawal. Loud noises, bright lights, or any sudden change or excitement could send him into a non-responsive state.” [22] Adam, who some said was brilliant, preferred total isolation in the darkened control room that Richard Novia had set up for video productions. During 2007 and the early part of 2008, Adam attended Richard Novia’s Tech Club meetings at the high school. Novia had arrived in Newtown in 1993 and served as chief of security in the Newtown school district. In the mid-2000s, Novia, a computer geek, had Ryan Lanza in his recently created Tech Club and also invited Ryan’s noticeably nerdy but withdrawn brother Adam who was then in the middle school to join the club held at the Newtown High School. He was hoping that it would help Lanza “to become more social.” [23]

Tech Club ID, Section 5, Back-up Scene Image #373. Click on the image to see a slightly bigger version.
Adam Lanza withdrew from family and friends and isolated himself. Many people taking Prozac or other SSRIs experience photophobia, sensitivity to light. Del Shannon, the singer, experienced light sensitivity, prior to his suicide on February 8, 1990, after taking Prozac since January 24. See part of his last concert on February 3, 1990 in Fargo, South Dakota.
On Friday, September 20, 1991, three years after Prozac (an SSRI) hit the American market, the Psychopharmacological Drugs Advisory Committee (PDAC), the entity that had evaluated the drug in 1985, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the US Public Health Service and the FDA held a public hearing in Rockville, Maryland, to assess the increasing number of allegations about the harmful effects of these antidepressants. The FDA decided to conduct “a scientific investigation into suicidal ideation, suicidal acts, and other violent behavior reported to occur in association with the pharmacological treatment of depression.” They gave each witness just three minutes.
Le Anne Westover, the wife of Del Shannon testified. She believed that the problem began with his very first dose of Prozac. She said that her husband was involved with their family, other people, and his work. She said, “But within days after he started taking Prozac I noticed a personality change in him. He showed signs of restlessness, akathisia, agitation, pacing, and his appearance was very drawn. He developed severe insomnia, extreme fatigue, chills, racing heart, dry mouth, and upset stomach. His hands would shake uncontrollably at times. This really alarmed him. I would ask him what was wrong and his only reply was, ‘I don’t know, I don’t know.’”
“I want you to know suicide was totally out of character for my husband. There was no note and no goodbye. The day he died, he had made appointments for the following afternoon and evening. He had booked future gigs. On February 8, my daughter and I were going to the market. He asked for some vitamins and other items that he wanted from the market. He kissed me, smiled, and we said, ‘See you later.’ There was absolutely no warning of suicide or anything violent. I know with absolute certainty that if Charles had any idea of the side effects of Prozac he would never have taken it. This drug is most assuredly responsible for any torment or suffering and the eventual suicide of my husband. I want people to be aware of what can happen when you take the drug Prozac.”
Adam Lanza’s parents described his physical, as well as his social, awkwardness. During his interview with Andrew Solomon, Peter Lanza said, “It was crystal clear something was wrong. The social awkwardness, the uncomfortable anxiety, unable to sleep, stress, unable to concentrate, having a hard time learning, the awkward walk, reduced eye contact. You could see the changes occurring.” [24] Solomon, the only journalist to interview Peter Lanza published an article in The New Yorker on March 17, 2014. Solomon is the son of the CEO of Forest Laboratories that makes Celexa, an SSRI. (any bias there?).
On pages 119-121, Exhibits 3-6, and pages 133-134, Exhibits 37-39 (poorly organized article), Powell and Watt make ridiculous claims about the computer room while missing, probably intentionally, some the most significant pieces of evidence. Some of the images are obviously later in the investigation because they have evidence markers. In exhibit 5, on page 120, referring to the typically fuzzy Fetzer image, they wrote, “Box of stuff with evidence marker is on the floor.” The evidence marker in a clearer image (Section 5, Back-up Scene Images 1, #500) is 16 on the box of “stuff!” It was a shoe box containing memory cards and video game parts. An earlier image, before investigators tore things apart is:

Section 5, Back-up Scene 1, #19 shows a home version of DDR
“The shooter liked to play a game called “Dance Dance Revolution” (DDR), which is a music video game in which the player stands on a platform, watches a video screen and moves his feet as directed by the video. A home version of this was seen and photographed in the shooter’s home. Several videos of him playing DDR were found on digital media taken from the home.” [25] He played this game regularly, for hours at a time, at the Danbury AMC movie theater’s arcade. C. W. Wade posted a video of AL playing DDR here.
Akathisia was one of the first neurological side effects connected to Prozac and other SSRIs. Akathisia may occur within a few days of beginning Prozac. [26] “Akathisia may range in intensity from a mild sense of disquiet or anxiety to a total inability to sit still, accompanied by overwhelming anxiety, malaise, and severe dysphoria (psychological distress manifesting as an almost indescribable sense of terror and doom).” It is “characterized by a feeling of inner restlessness and a compelling need to be in constant motion. It is like a foreign force taking over the body and making it move constantly. People affected by akathisia fidget, are unable to sit or keep still, rock from foot to foot while standing or sitting, lift the feet as if marching on the spot, cross and uncross the legs while sitting, and pace. [27]
Akathisia refers to a “drug-induced movement disorder.” It produces motor restlessness, typically in the lower extremities, and is often accompanied by an urge to move. It is usually acute and “dose related.” Experts define akathisia that persists for longer than three months as chronic and often occurs following the last dosage change. Some patients experience intensified symptoms associated with drug withdrawal, called “withdrawal akathisia,” or with an increased dosage. Doctors often mistake akathisia for the “worsening of psychotic agitation.” Agitation and anxiety go hand in hand with akathisia and “further complicate the differential diagnosis.” It is a drug-induced reaction that drives some people to walk in place, pace frantically, or seek out “activities that keep them on the move,” such as Dance Dance Revolution. [28]
Points to ponder:
1. Nancy Lanza had full responsibility for all decisions regarding AL.
2. AL covered his windows three weeks after his first appointment with Dr. Fox, a doctor who freely prescribed SSRIs for children.
3. AL experienced symptoms associated with someone taking SSRIs.
4. Officials acknowledged that they had confiscated medical records from the Lanza home but steadfastly refused to make them public.
5. During an FOIC hearing, Assistant Attorney General of Connecticut, Patrick B. Kwanashie said releasing information about Lanza’s prescription drug use could “cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.”
6. Big pharma wants to conceal the association between psych drugs and dozens of mass shootings by people who were taking or had taken psych drugs, especially SSRIs.
[1] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, p. 5
[2] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, p. xlvii
[3] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, p. 183
[4] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, p. xlvii
[5] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, p. 117
[6] Associate Press, Hairstylists at salon frequented by massacre gunman and mother say Adam Lanza never spoke, December 19, 2012,, viewed 6/26/2014
[7] Pamela Engel, Why Extensive Mental Health Treatment Didn’t Stop Adam Lanza, Business Insider, March 10, 2014,, viewed 9/1/2014.
[8] Dirk Perrefort, Court records: Nancy Lanza’s estate worth about $64,000, February 20, 2014,, viewed 5/10/2014
[9] Dirk Perrefort, Court records: Nancy Lanza’s estate worth about $64,000, February 20, 2014,, viewed 5/10/2014
[10] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, pp. 117-118
[11] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, pp. 118-119
[12] Reed Coleman, Sandy Hook Lighthouse, last viewed 6/22/2016
[13] Report of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012 released on November 25, 2013, pp. 26-27;, last viewed 6/24/2016
[14] Reed Coleman, Sandy Hook Lighthouse, last viewed 6/22/2016, Child Advocate Report, last viewed 6/22/2016
[15] Book 2, 00171468, page 58
[16] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, pp. 117-118
[17] James Fetzer (editor), Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, Rock Moon Books, 2015, pp. 119, 126
[18] Reed Coleman, Sandy Hook Lighthouse, last viewed 6/22/2016
[19] Deanna Spingola, Sandy Hook, Cause and Consequences, Trafford Publishing, 2015, p. 462
[20] Deanna Spingola, Sandy Hook, Cause and Consequences, Trafford Publishing, 2015, p. 366
[21] Reed Coleman, Sandy Hook Lighthouse, last viewed 6/22/2016
[22] Matthew Lysiak, Newtown: An American Tragedy, Gallery Books, New York, Kindle, 2013, pp. 43–46
[23] Richard Novia: “Adam Had Episodes. He Would Completely Withdraw.” Edited transcript of an interview conducted on January 27, 2013, PBS,, viewed 7/14/2014
[24] Deanna Spingola, Screening Sandy Hook, Cause and Consequences, Trafford Publishing, 2015, p. 395
[25] Report of the State’s Attorney for the Judicial District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012 released on November 25, 2013, pp. 31-32;, last viewed 6/24/2016
[26] Joseph Glenmullen, Prozac Backlash, Overcoming the Dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Other Antidepressants With Safe, Effective Alternatives, Simon & Schuster,, viewed 5/21/2014
[27] Deanna Spingola, Sandy Hook, Cause and Consequences, Trafford Publishing, 2015, pp. 381-382
[28] Deanna Spingola, Sandy Hook, Cause and Consequences, Trafford Publishing, 2015, pp. 381-382
This comment is meant for all of the Sandy Hook “hoaxers” out there, even though it’s doubtful that any of them would read Ms. Spingola’s latest article, much less this comment. Why should they? After all, they have done their due diligence of the subject by watching every youtube video proving the theory that the entire event was a hoax, and the most diligent among them may have even read Fetzer’s book (actually a compilation of others’ work) on the subject.
Never mind the fact that every one of the points (16) that the hoaxers use to prove their theory have been debunked thoroughly by independent researchers, including Deanna Spingola. Never mind Spingola’s 500+ page book proving unequivocally that Adam Lanza, a vaccine-damaged, malnourished, psychiatric patient who owned several guns and knew how to use them, shot and killed 26 at the school on December 14, 2012. But the Sandy Hook Hoaxers just keep coming back, with the same old tired points.
This well-researched article shows how photos can be selectively chosen, misconstrued and taken out of sequence to convince the gullible of the outrageous theory that the Lanza home and the Sandy Hook School were staged by conspirators to make them look like crime scenes. I believe that Ms. Spingola has proved beyond any doubt that the Lanza home, especially Adam’s bedroom was not a staged scene.
If one reads this article, and yet is still unsure of whether to believe the hoaxers and the youtube videos, or whether to believe Ms. Spingola, please read her previous articles which address some of the other points cited by Wolfgang Halbig, James Fetzer and a few others. Better yet, buy and read “Screening Sandy Hook – Causes and Consequences”, which is the most thorough book about this sad subject.
The Sandy Hook Hoaxers are in effect accusing parents of faking their child’s brutal murder. Think about that for a minute. Hoaxers, for what it’s worth, I pity you, for I would not want this false accusation on my conscience. Take the time to research this issue thoroughly, and retract your accusations – publicly if you can. It’s the right thing to do.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response to my article. It is interesting that the hoaxers repeatedly and totally ignore all of the available evidence. I emailed Allan Powell about ten days ago and asked him to be a guest on my radio program to talk about the two chapters that he contributed to Fetzer’s book. He did not reply. I have also challenged Fetzer to a legitimate debate with an unbiased moderator. He is not interested. It is unfortunate that repeated lies often become the truth and the truth becomes the lie. Thanks again!!