New World Order Vaccine Program
On February 16, 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services, via its National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO), unveiled the 2010 National Vaccine Plan, the nation’s 10-year strategy to ensure that all Americans can access the preventive benefits of vaccines. [1] This plan actually appears to be a worldwide program under the jurisdiction of the United States. This plan as well as other previous programs are communistic and designed to further establish the New World Order. Visit Communism by the Back Door for further elaboration on these insidious government programs.
The plan states, “The 2010 National Vaccine Plan will support relevant strategic health priorities and key inter-agency collaborations for the nation issued by the Secretary of HHS, which include the following: to promote early childhood health and development, to accelerate the process of scientific discovery to improve patient care, and to improve global health. (10) Global health plays an important role in the national security of the U.S. population and populations worldwide, and as such the Plan is of import to all agencies involved in global health activities, including the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). U.S. involvement in global vaccine issues can reduce worldwide transmission of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPDs), strengthen health systems, and foster bilateral and international partnerships.”
“In addition, the 2010 National Vaccine Plan has direct relevance to the goals of the ACA, the comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010, which expands access to preventive care, including vaccines, by requiring health plans to cover preventive services without charging a deductible, co-payment, or coinsurance. Individuals enrolled in these new group or individual health plans will have access to the vaccines recommended by the ACIP prior to September 2009 with no co-payments or other cost-sharing requirements when those services are delivered by an in-network provider. These new health plans will be required to cover new ACIP recommendations made after September 2009 without cost-sharing in the next plan year that occurs one year after the date of the recommendation. In addition to expanding access to immunization under the preventive services rules, the ACA includes the following immunization-related provisions:
- Provides authority to states to purchase adult vaccines with state funds from federally-negotiated contracts.
- Reauthorizes the Section 317 Immunization Grant Program, which makes available federally purchased vaccines and grants to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, five large urban areas, and territories and protectorates to provide immunization services to priority populations.
- Requires a General Accountability Office study and report to Congress about Medicare beneficiary access to recommended vaccines under the Medicare Part D benefit coinsurance.”
Further, “Strategies identified in the Plan will be coordinated with those in the National Health Security Strategy, the Global Health Initiative (GHI), the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, and other national strategic plans that relate to immunization and vaccines. In particular, this work will be coordinated with the National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council’s priorities, which will integrate federal prevention, wellness, and public health activities, and develop the National Prevention and Health Promotion Strategy to improve the nation’s health. All of these efforts will complement the National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care, also described in the ACA.”
“The Plan aligns with quality of care improvement initiatives under the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act and complements the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS)’s work to improve access to and measurement of mandatory health care services delivered children enrolled in Medicaid through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Program. The Plan also supports the GHI, which focuses on improving the health of women, newborns, and children worldwide through strengthened health systems and through coordinated, results-oriented, country-led approaches. Additionally, the Plan complements other initiatives including the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief, which assists countries in strengthening their health systems and providing comprehensive prevention, care, and treatment to combat the global epidemic of HIV/AIDS and diplomatic efforts to build global partnerships in preparation for pandemic influenza and other pandemic diseases.”
When the FDA approves a vaccine as safe and effective, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) adds it to the recommended vaccination schedule. Thereafter, state health departments mandate vaccines for daycare and public school admission. Twenty drug makers use their power and money to influence state officials. The states also receive federal funding which comes with obligations. [2]
What happens if people are non-compliant? Currently, New York City officials require 150,000 children from six months to five years of age who attend daycare or preschool to receive the flu vaccine, which still contains thimerosal. Daycare operators will face fines for non-compliance. The New York City Board of Health will begin issuing violations on January 1, 2016. The CDC admits that the flu vaccine contains thimerosal, aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, aborted human fetal cells, and MSG. From January 2009 to February 2014, there were 55, 578 adverse events reported to VAERS due to the flu vaccine. Of those events, 7,904 were children under the age of six. Forty-seven children under five perished after receiving the flu vaccine. The city already requires all children to receive the MMR, pertussis, chickenpox and tetanus vaccines. [3] The reports are significant due to the fact that most people, including doctors, are unaware of VAERS, which is co-sponsored by the CDC and the FDA, almost like the foxes guarding the hen house.
[1] National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,, viewed 4/14/2014
[2] Louise Kuo Habakus, Mary Holland, Kim Mack Rosenberg (editors), Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children, Skyhorse Publishing, New York, Kindle, 2011, Locations 3191-3195
[3] Missy Fluegge, The Scary Truth about the New York Flu Vaccine Mandate, Natural Blaze, April 21, 2014,, viewed 4/28/2014
Vaccination Is Not Immunization
Thank You Deanna