Applying Occam’s Razor
On December 13, 2013, Representative Betty McCollum of Minnesota’s 4th congressional district, since 2001, was talking with a group of her constituents. When asked about investigating the drug issue, specifically Prozac and Ritalin, instead of focusing on gun control, McCollum said, “We can’t study, federally—we’re prohibited from studying the effects of some of the drugs that you were just talking about as it relates to people who go out and commit violent acts with guns. We’re prohibited from studying that . . . we have an obligation to study those kinds of issues . . . It is prohibited from the CDC—the Centers of Disease Control—to study this. It’s wrong! And that’s why we need to get the lobbying efforts out of the discussion.” Her remarks confirm the power of Big Pharma in Washington. Big Pharma has the power to obstruct or halt congressional rhetoric.
Leading hoaxers, such as James Fetzer, James Tracy, Wolfgang Halbig and Alex Jones and their felonious friends have much in common with the CDC in that they apparently want to conceal the connection between psych drugs and mass shootings. Like the CDC, one of the many ABC agencies created to protect corporations, they obfuscate the truth, fabricate “evidence,” concoct outrageous lies, participate in damage control, and refuse to correct themselves when researchers have debunked their claims. Deceptions of this magnitude are NOT benign but have provoked vicious harassment of victim families and the stalking of Newtown school children as well as the desecration of public and private property.
The real test of a “truther” is when he/she can change his/her opinions based on evidence. These hoaxers and their disciples (think cult here) maintain their positions no matter what evidence is repeatedly presented. They also rely on their disciples, well-versed and rehearsed in all of the dogmatic conspiratorial talking points, to not engage in objective personal research. Why do these hoaxers mimic the CDC? Why would they want to suppress the association between psych drugs and mass shootings, especially one in which twenty precious first graders are killed. If the hoaxers have to fabricate evidence for their conspiracy, doesn’t it occur to them to ask themselves if they are the bad guys? Or does the end (whatever that is) justify the means in their opinion?
The CDC convened a secret invitation-only conference at Simpsonwood in Norcross, Georgia which was attended by top government officials, people that I have referred to in other places as Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). They included eleven CDC consultants, FDA scientists, WHO vaccine specialists, autism specialists, and experts in pediatrics, toxicology, epidemiology and vaccines, and drug company delegates for a total of fifty-two participants who were told that all rhetoric and documents generated at the meeting were “classified.” The objective of the meeting, called the Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information, was to devise damage control regarding the thimerosal scare. The CDC also intended to refute Dr. Thomas Verstraeten’s study, ordered by Congress in 1997. Verstraeten, a CDC epidemiologist, analyzed the CDC’s database of 100,000 children’s medical records. He confirmed the viable connection between thimerosal and neurological disorders in children. [1]
The majority of people believe, without doing any objective research or even looking at the ingredients in vaccines that they are necessary and safe. The CDC, at Simpsonwood, did not present any data from people like Dr. Boyd E. Haley, who, in one study, indicated that fifty-three percent of autistic children had “aberrant porphyrin profiles” similar to mercury toxic individuals. [2] Many of the experts suggested that autism was genetic but Dr. William Weil reminded them that, “We don’t see that kind of genetic change in 30 years.” Dr. Weil said, “I have to say the number of kids getting help in special education is growing nationally and state by state at a rate not seen before…there are certainly more kids with ADD and there are more kids with speech and language disorder than there have been in the past.” He said, “I have taken a lot of histories of kids who are in trouble in school…” [3]
The Standard of Care requires that AMA-approved physicians vaccinate every child in America, and if possible, vaccinate all adults, according to the CDC recommendations. According to the CDC, vaccines may contain many of the following excipients (inactive ingredients), adjuvants or growth media: albumin, acetone (solvent used in fingernail polish remover), aluminum hydroxide, aluminum hydroxyphosphate, aluminum phosphate, aluminum potassium sulfate, amino acids, ammonium sulfate, amphotericin B, animal tissue or blood, ascorbic acid, bactopeptone, beta-propiolactone, benzethonium chloride, brilliant green, calcium carbonate, calcium calf (bovine) serum, chick embryo, chloride, chlortetracycline, Cystine, dextran, diploid cells (aborted fetal tissue), DNA, Dulbecco’s modified eagle medium (DMEM), ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid sodium (EDTA), fetal bovine serum, formaldehyde, formalin, gelatin, glucose, glutamine, glutaraldehyde, glycerin, histidine, hydrochloric acid, hydrocortisone, hydrolyzed gelatin, lactose, magnesium stearate, magnesium sulfate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), mouse serum protein, MRC-5 cellular protein, neomycin (antibiotic), neomycin sulfate, phenol, phenol red (phenolsulfonphthalein), 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), phosphate buffers, polydimethylsilozone, polymyxin B, polyoxyethylene9-10 nonylphenol, potassium chloride, potassium glutamate, polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate, residual MRC5 proteins, sodium acetate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium borate, sodium chloride, sodium citrate, sodium deoxycholate, sodium hydrogenocarbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium phosphate, sodium pyruvate, sorbitol, streptomycin, sucrose, thimerosal, tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, tyrosine, urea, xanthan, VERO cells and yeast protein. Some vaccines have been contaminated with Simian Virus 40 (SV 40). [4]
Truth is not determined by majority vote or by the popularity of an idea. Everyone can have an opinion (feeling) but opinions are NOT facts. Just because something is widely believed does not make it a fact whether one is talking about vaccines or current events, such as Sandy Hook. In doing research, one has to establish criteria—including, but not limited to the following:
- Where did the information come from, are there specific citations?
- Is it a primary source, recorded at the time of the event?
- Is it a secondary or compiled source which is often hearsay? Is it a product of the frequently anonymous YouTube University? That is not research!
- What is the author’s background? Is he/she trustworthy? One’s motto should be, trust but verify.
- Is he/she adamantly promoting a particular theory in an effort to conceal the real culprits or is there financial benefits?
Inconsistencies and anomalies in a media narrative of a huge event with a large number of people are inevitable. You can find such inconsistencies in ANY media narrative – especially one that is mostly based on eyewitness testimony of highly traumatized people who are thrust into a totally alien situation. The media will interview anyone on the premises.
If there are two explanations for a particular occurrence, the most uncomplicated one is generally the most logical and rational explanation. The more assumptions, suppositions, speculations and even deceptive fabrications that one proposes to make it functional, the more unlikely his/her explanation is. The simplest answer is frequently the correct answer.
Applying Occam’s razor, what is the simplest and most logical explanation for what we were told occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012?
Newtown is located in Fairfield County, Connecticut. It is part of the greater Danbury metropolitan area as well as the New York metropolitan area. It is 1 hour 22 minutes (73.3 mi) via I-684 N from Manhattan. Newtown was founded in 1705 and later incorporated in 1711. As of the 2010 census, its population was 27,560.
Twenty children died at the SHES. Those children’s immediate family might include: forty parents, plus brothers and sisters. Their extended families might include aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. Their associations outside of the family might include Cub Scout masters, girl scout leaders, friends, neighbors, piano teachers, dance teachers, doctors, dentists, ministers, church communities, soccer coaches and others. Six teachers were also slaughtered at SHES. What about the remaining teachers at Sandy Hook; did they all lie? Did the whole town of Newtown, almost 28,000 people participate in some kind of a hoax? If that is the case, can a person, especially all the surviving children, keep a huge secret like that indefinitely?
Did all of the people who attended the funerals of the victims lie or were the funerals staged with hundreds of actors? Many of the pre-funeral viewings had open caskets. Paul Simon sang at the funeral of Vicki Soto; was he in on the hoax? Jimmy Greene, the father of Ana Grace Marquez-Greene was a musician who worked with and was a close friend of Harry Connick Jr. who sang at Ana Grace’s funeral. Was Harry Connick Jr. in on the hoax?
The principal, the school psychologist and four teachers were killed that day. Are the remaining teachers all liars and just covering up a hoax? In addition to the remaining teachers, there was the school community such as the school board as well as the students in the other schools. If SHES was closed, as claimed by the hoaxers, where did the students go? There were people who published The Connection, the PTA reports, the people who inspected the school and created the reports regarding school status. There were the bus drivers who drove the children to the SHES. There is also the Office of the Connecticut Commissioner of Education.
There were dozens and dozens of investigators from the Connecticut State Police, the Newtown Police department, first responders, and ambulance companies. Were the 7,000 pages of the Connecticut State Police report, the search warrants and written reports, the hundreds of corroborating images in the report, the video and aerial images of the report all fabricated? Were all of the witnesses, the detectives, photographers, crime scene investigators all liars? Were the 911 calls with shooting in the background all fabricated? There was the hospital personnel, the Medical Examiner’s Office which consisted of Dr. Wayne Carver, four doctors, ten other staff members and a college intern who took care of the bodies. What about the Department of Motor Vehicles, did they participate with phony registrations and license plates?
The Newtown Bee and other adjacent newspapers published articles about events that occurred at SHES during the time that some claim that the school was closed. There are hundreds of pictures taken at the school during the time that it was supposedly closed. They are available online but the hoaxers rely on you not looking for that kind of proof. When people believe the leading hoaxers and feel that they have the truth, their followers will not look any further. The hoaxers are similar to the drug companies and their deceptive television advertisements. They hope you will listen to their provocative message and not notice the deadly side effects such as the black-box label warnings or read about how one SSRI, Prozac has caused 50,000 deaths since it was introduced. Believing in deceptions is not lethal unless one really values the truth.
So, I ask you, were all of the people mentioned above all liars and participants in a gigantic hoax or did Adam Lanza commit the most horrendous act imaginable?
Adam Lanza was born by C-section on April 22, 1992, at Exeter Hospital in New Hampshire. Therefore, he probably did not receive his cord blood (to the brain). Hospitals typically sell it to a cord blood bank. He was fully vaccinated and experienced chronic laxative-dependent constipation, often associated with the MMR vaccination. He was socially unresponsive, did not talk until he was three and was a head banger. According to the OCA report, by early April 1997, Lanza was an “extremely active young child,” who exhibited many behavioral rituals, had a neurological/developmental evaluation. He “never slept through the night, continued to make up his own language, and reportedly did not like to be held, kissed or hugged.” He also had “severe temper tantrums” and used to “sit and hit his head repeatedly.” In the fall, the school district conducted an occupational therapy consultation and found that Lanza “displayed inconsistent eye contact and scattered motor skills.” He experienced “seizures in early childhood,” with no indication of epilepsy. He had delayed fine and gross motor skills in his preschool years, engaged in “repetitive behaviors, lack of participation in groups, sensitivity to smells, and intolerance of touch and certain textures and again, “hit his head repeatedly.” Adam had a hypersensitivity to physical touch, which necessitated Nancy removing the tags from his clothing. He attended kindergarten in Kingston where the teachers developed a special program to meet the needs of this withdrawn child.
Adam Lanza learned to shoot a Ruger with his mother and her friend, Marvin LaFontaine when he was four. His first gun was a lightweight aluminum Ruger 10/22, which he used to shoot at paper bull’s-eyes and other shapes.
He was probably on Ritalin in as much as Adam had serious issues by the age of six and was probably prescribed psychiatric drugs at that time. Adam also engaged in obsessive hand washing. In New Hampshire, a doctor, perhaps his pediatrician diagnosed him with a sensory-integration disorder. He received speech therapy and occupational therapy in kindergarten and first grade.
He was probably on Prozac which causes light sensitivity, and has a Black-box label as it causes suicide and homicide ideation. Prozac is regularly prescribed for children, including infants. Transcripts of hearings, such as the 1991 Prozac hearing, provide evidence of violence and suicide by patients taking Prozac.
In the fifth grade, at about age ten, he wrote The Big Book of Granny, about violent homicide. Peter Lanza noticed a big difference in his son by age eleven. He apparently continued the violent ideation as his seventh-grade teacher, in the spring of 2005, told investigators, on January 5, 2013, that his creative writing was so graphic that it could not be shared with the class. She approached the principal about this issue. He was a vegan by age thirteen and ate a lot of soy, especially edamame. Soy is an endocrine disruptor which may account for his interest in pedophilia.
Nancy Lanza took Adam to the Danbury emergency room in the fall of 2005 as he had been suffering extreme anxiety for several days. Was this drug-induced? This was also about the same time that he had trouble concentrating, gave up playing the saxophone, stopped climbing trees, stopped making eye contact, developed a stiff, lumbering gait, began having panic attacks and crying spells while loud noises, bright lights, or sudden change made him nonresponsive and withdrawn. Did he withdraw from an SSRI a few months before the mass murders? If so, did it cause him to develop akathisia, perhaps evidence by his addiction to Dance Dance Revolution? Were his frequent crying spells, his social and physical awkwardness drug-induced? At what point exactly did Lanza cover the windows in his rooms because of his light sensitivity?
He was obsessed with mass shootings, especially Columbine; belonged to two internet forums dedicated to mass shootings; played violent video games such as World of Warcraft and had a shooting range in the basement. The GPS on his car showed he visited the school the day before at the same time that he arrived on 12/14. He terminated contact with his father and brother over two years before; he cut off all contact with his aunts, uncles and cousins; isolated himself within the confines of his home and primarily communicated with his mother via email although they lived in the same house. He quit school and took a GED test as he could not handle the commotion of changing classes and all of the other changes.
Patrick B. Kwanashie, one of twenty assistant district attorneys works with the Department of Health and Human Services. Keep in mind that each city, state, town, etc. is a corporation and that the mother corporation, the US government invests heavily in the pharmaceutical industry. On August 22, 2013, Kwanashie, during a freedom of information hearing on this matter, stated that releasing information about Lanza’s prescription drug use could “… cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.” It is very significant that the state denied a freedom of information request. The Lanza shooting is probably the highest profile case that Connecticut has experienced in decades. It seems to confirm that Lanza was taking or was withdrawing from a psych drug around the time of the shootings. Yet, the State of Connecticut will not release this information because it “might induce large numbers of people to stop taking antidepressants.” [5]
Mary Ellen O’Toole, a former FBI profiler stated that she was not “surprised to learn that Lanza had a clean toxicology test, noting that shooters in other recent mass killings also tested clean.” She said that “other mass shooters have had histories of antidepressant use but acknowledged going off their medications because they ‘wanted to have a clear head’ during their attacks. O’Toole said Lanza’s test results support the theory that Lanza’s attack was focused and well planned. She said, ‘His thinking was not blurred or flawed in anyway.’” Further, O’Toole said, “the absence of anything in Lanza’s system is consistent with someone thinking that ‘I want to kill as many people as I can.’” [6]
Because of the deceptive assertions of the DSM, the following has occurred:
- Doctors have diagnosed and prescribed dangerous addictive, mind-altering, suicide- and violence-inducing drugs to twenty million children worldwide.
- Over 150 million people worldwide have taken selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, with annual sales totaling almost $20 billion.
- Fabricated DSM disorders masquerading as diseases have generated increased international mental health budgets.
- In the United States, the budget for mental health rose from $33 billion in 1993 to over $100 billion within ten years.
- Mental health costs have increased the deficits of numerous countries.
As of April 2014, the number of people taking psychiatric drugs in the United States is as follows:
ADHD Drugs: 10,291,860
Antidepressants 41,226,394
Antipsychotics 6,845,303
Anti-anxiety 36,472,663
All psychiatric drugs 78,694,222 (total)
Again, I ask, were all of the families, funeral directors, church officials, all the people mentioned above liars and participants in a gigantic hoax or did Adam Lanza commit the most horrendous act imaginable? Were the 7,000 pages of the Connecticut State Police report, the witnesses, the search warrants and written reports, the hundreds of images in the report, the video and aerial images of the report and all of the detectives, photographers, crime scene investigators all liars?
Applying Occam’s razor, what is the simplest and most logical explanation for what we were told occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012? Adam Lanza killed twenty-seven people on 12/14/2012.
See corroborating links; Saturday, December 16, 2017
[1] Andreas Moritz, Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press,, Kindle, 2011, pp. 157-159
[2] B.E. Haley and T. Small/Medical Veritas 3 (2006) 921–934 921, Interview with Dr. Boyd E. Haley: Biomarkers supporting mercury toxicity as the major exacerbator of neurological illness, recent evidence via the urinary porphyrin tests,, viewed 7/30/2014
[3] Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information, June 7-8, 2000 Simpsonwood Retreat Center Norcross, Georgia, viewed 5/10/2014, pp. 207, 216-217
[4] Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary, Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine, viewed 8/12/2014
[5] Phil Hickey, Ph.D., Sandy Hook Massacre: The Unanswered Question, January 6, 2014,, viewed 1/14/2014
[6] Dave Altimari, Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Had No Drugs, Alcohol In System, Hartford Courant, May 13, 2013,, viewed 8/15/2014
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