Halbig’s Free Home
James Fetzer says, “It was astonishing to learn that very unusual real estate transactions had taken place on 25 December 2009, where the homes of 15 of the 20 Sandy Hook child victims, 1-2 of the 7 adult victims, and all 6 of the Sandy Hook adult non-victims (the Phelps, Gene Rosen, the three Selectmen) have the mysterious sale date of Christmas Day and $0 sale price. Although not gifted on that same date, even the home of Nancy Lanza, the purported mother of the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, was bestowed upon her for $0 on 8 February 2011.” James Tracy, on February 17, 2014, posted an article written by James Fetzer with Wolfgang Halbig, Sandy Hook: Free Homes and “Big Bucks” Incentives for Leaders and Players (also at Veteran’s Today) making the same claim. Fetzer and Halbig claim,
“New research on Sandy Hook reveals powerful financial incentives that appear to implicate the highest officials of Newtown in a conspiracy to fabricate the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, which extends to survivors of the “victims” and other participants who played key roles in conveying the impression of a massacre of children at Sandy Hook.”
“In addition, a new player, Wolfgang Halbig, has emerged who by background, experience and qualifications–as a former Florida State Trooper, former school principal and nationally recognized expert on school safety–has brought a new level of expertise to sorting out the illusion, where he is convinced it was a sham and that no one died at Sandy Hook.” (Editor’s note: he only became nationally known after his association with Sandy Hook beginning in early 2014). Fetzer said of Halbig: “He is by far the most highly qualified expert to address the questions raised by the Sandy Hook “event.”
Fetzer and his co-author claim, “These incentives include real estate transactions, whereby valuable homes were deeded to Newtown’s three Selectmen and to other participants for the sale price of $0 dollars on 25 December 2009, which may be the only real estate transactions on Christmas in the nation (that) day, where they constituted very special and high-value-at-no-cost “Christmas presents.” The “survivors” have already raked in $27 million in donations to split. And now we have a new report that 200 Connecticut State Police are going to be rewarded for essentially ‘doing nothing.'” Where is their proof? Fetzer and the American Free Press began promoting Halbig as an expert at about the same time.
The truth is there are very few, if any, Newtown residents who do NOT have $0 listed on their houses in 2009. Properties that were bought within the last few years show the sales price. All others show $0 sold on 12/25/2009. This is true of EVERY street in Newtown and every other town in Connecticut, although other towns have different dates “Sale Price-$0” Regarding Connecticut, every 5-10 years there is a “physical” reassessment where inspectors physically check the properties and property lines in order to revalue homes to better reflect true market value. In Connecticut taxes are based on 70% of current market value according to the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management.
While James Tracy only re-posted Fetzer and Halbig’s article, it is interesting to note James Tracy’s tax records; he paid $10 for his home. Wolfgang Halbig’s previous property record doesn’t have a $0 or $10 as he only bought in April 2010 for $280,000. But if you had clicked the actual deed it too says $10. This is a normal deed thing, the actual sale price does not have to be listed. Does that mean that some government entity gifted him a home to become an Sandy Hook denialist? He lists 25526 Hawks Run Ln, Sorrento, Florida 32776 as his address in the numerous harassing emails he sends to people in Newtown. I guess his $10 house was NOT a $10 house at all – just like the people in Newtown did not receive a free home for participating in a hoax. Sorry, Fetzer and Halbig, your “evidence” just doesn’t cut it. Halbig and Fetzer also made other claims in the article that have been repeatedly refuted.
Note: As of 2/25/2017: James Tracy’s website is malware infected.
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