Eliminating Useless Eaters, Part 2
In 1965, the Population Action International (originally known as the Population Crisis Committee), was founded by Hugh Moore, Lammot du Pont Copeland and William H. Draper Jr. The worldwide organization has headquarters in Washington, DC. Since 2001, in conjunction with the Population Action International, and with the encouragement of Congress, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) distributes information in foreign countries in an effort to initiate family planning and cover other reproductive health programs. Foreign leaders, in order to gain financial assistance, must promote birth control and distribute products for that purpose.
In 1961, John D. Rockefeller III presented the Second McDougall Lecture to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. This predated by a decade Rockefeller’s population protocols that would become part of Kissinger’s NSSM 200. Rockefeller, in his address, said, “To my mind, population growth is second only to control of atomic weapons as the paramount problem of the day.” [1]
The Rockefeller Foundation funded England’s eugenics movement. The Rockefeller family had early ties to the House of Rothschild to which the gigantic Standard oil trust owed its beginnings. Presumably, the Rothschilds, a Talmudic family with early Masonic and Illuminati connections, actively promoted and financed eugenics and depopulation behind the scenes. By the 1960s, the Eugenics Society of England embraced Crypto-eugenics, under which they would participate in eugenics without actually calling it eugenics. The Rockefellers lent their support to England’s Eugenics Society by establishing the International Planned Parenthood Federation, in conjunction with the Eugenics Society. This formed a private, global system in which the elite could choreograph an international holocaust, within the context of offering humanitarian services, all under the jurisdiction of the U.N. flag, another Rockefeller front organization. [2]
George H. W. Bush of Texas, who served in Congress from January 3, 1967 to January 3, 1971, originated a legislative investigation of world overpopulation. [3] Dr. D. M. MacArthur, Deputy Director of Research & Technology for the Pentagon, Department of Defense, requested $10 million from the Congressional House Subcommittee on Appropriations to develop a biological weapon through House Bill 15090. On June 9, 1969, the House Republican research task committee, chaired by George H. W. Bush, heard testimony from General William H. Draper, of the Population Crisis Committee and Dr. William Moran of the Population Reference Bureau. Draper reported that there were three issues relevant to population control. (1) He suggested that the census of 1970 in the U.S. and of 1971 in Britain should be worldwide and not limited to two countries. (2) He recommended the acceleration of contraception. (3) He advocated that the World Health Organization (WHO) should implement their international programs such as inoculations, etc. [4] Leading World Health Organization scientists, as noted in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, had requested that scientists create viruses in order to study their effects on humans.
The Department of Defense, now funded with $10 million, intended to conduct studies on immune-system-destroying agents for biological warfare. In 1983, Dr. Robert Strecker, an internist and gastro-enterologist who was additionally a trained pathologist with a Ph.D. in pharmacology, produced The Strecker Memorandum wherein he claims that scientists manufactured the AIDS virus. Working in conjunction with his brother, attorney Ted Strecker, they discovered thousands of documents verifying the synthetic origin of AIDS. Strecker maintains that it was virologically impossible for HIV to have emanated from monkeys; the disease was unknown in Africa before 1975. Strecker claims that the World Health Organization (WHO), funded by the Department of Defense, initiated testing on a lymphotrophic virus, a bovine virus that could also infect humans. In 1977, the WHO instigated a massive campaign in Africa to eradicate smallpox among the urban population. They deliberately inoculated over 100 million Africans with contaminated smallpox vaccine. In 1978, medical practitioners associated with the Centers for Disease Control and the New York Blood Center inoculated over 2,000 white male homosexuals against hepatitis B with contaminated vaccine. [5] Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) funded the hepatitis B vaccine research that Dr. Strecker claimed spread HIV to homosexuals in the U.S. [6] These kinds of weapons were apparently a viable concern immediately after 9/11 as John Bolton gave an address at the Biological Weapons Convention on November 19, 2001 in Geneva, Switzerland, stating our concerns about “terrorists” using biological and chemical weapons. [7] We have trained many foreigners in the use of biological and chemical weapons at Fort McClellan, Alabama.
Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize after he directed the dispersion of tons of Monsanto’s toxic Agent Orange in Vietnam. This chemical, containing dioxin, continues to affect Vietnamese citizens, former U.S. military personnel, and their children with horrendous birth defects and neurological disorders. Conversely, officials recently executed Ali Hassan al-Majid, who dispersed chemicals in Halabja. Kissinger orchestrated the precedent-setting secret bombing of neutral Cambodia over a four-year period, allegedly to protect Americans in Vietnam. From 1970 onward, Congress had prohibited bombing in Cambodia in every military appropriations bill except for that open-ended purpose – protecting U.S. citizens – but apparently not from Agent Orange. [8] According to Time magazine of April 19, 1976, “Since the Communist victory last year, an estimated 500,000 to 600,000 people, one-tenth of Cambodia’s population, have died from political reprisals, disease or starvation . . . To escape the bloodbath; at least 25,000 Cambodians have fled across the border into Thailand. They tell tales of the military clubbing people to death to save ammunition. They bound others together and used bulldozers to bury them alive or they suffocated victims by tying plastic bags over their heads.” [9]
Generating further resentment, the U.S. installed Lon Nol, who collected millions of dollars in U.S. economic aid. He declared himself Chief of State, Prime Minister and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces after he disbanded the Assembly in October 1971 in order to declare emergency rule. He then permitted the U.S. to carpet bomb Cambodia. [10] Lon Nol retired to Hawaii on April 1, 1975 with half a million dollars, compliments of the U.S. taxpayers. [11] Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge with its killing fields, the essential liquidation of the middle class, famine, the destruction of the economy and concentration camps followed America’s activities in the area.
From Kissinger’s Indochina bio warfare experiments, President Richard Nixon commissioned Kissinger to direct the compilation of a National Security Council population policy. He completed the task during President Gerald Ford’s administration. Their efforts resulted in The National Security Study Memorandum, NSSM 200, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, dated December 10, 1974. Government officials formally adopted the report as U.S. policy on November 26, 1975, when President Ford signed Memorandum 314. It is still in effect because government officials never rescinded it. Each succeeding administration implements the population policies using its own methodology. The government declassified NSSM 200 on February 8, 2007.
[1] Seeds of Destruction, the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl, Global Research, Centre for Research on Globalization, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2007, p. 71
[2] Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N! by Anton Chaitkin, http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/new_world_order/UN_Rockefeller_Genocide.html
[3] Emerging Viruses, Aids & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional? By Leonard G. Horowitz, Tetrahedron Publishing, Inc., Rockport, Massachusetts, 1996, p. 521
[4] Ibid, pp. 156, 159
[5] Ibid, pp. 3-5
[6] Ibid, p. 12
[7] Biological Weapons Convention, http://www.state.gov/t/us/rm/janjuly/6231.htm
[8] Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia by William Shawcross, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1979, p. 277
[9] Kissinger, the Secret Side of the Secretary of State by Gary Allen, Shambhala Publications, 1979, p. 14
[10] Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia by William Shawcross, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1979, p. 229
[11] Ibid, pp. 357-358
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