Fluoride Poisoning for the Masses
One serving of fluoridated toothpaste contains 0.22 mg of Fluoride. Our poison control authorities caution us: Call poison control if swallowed. One glass of regular tap water contains 0.21 mg of Fluoride. Our health officials advise us to drink eight glasses of water per day. Obviously, officialdom is very compartmentalized. Officials and their criminal corporate cronies rely on people NOT reviewing the facts about the items that the FDA approves. To most people, FDA approval implies that a product or device is safe.
Both toothpaste and tap water contain fluoride from the waste systems of the phosphate fertilizer industry. These chemicals (90% of which are sodium fluorosilicate and fluorosilicic acid) are classified as hazardous wastes contaminated with various impurities and known to cause cancer, infertility, brain degradation, and bone loss.
Prozac (fluoxetine) and Paxil (paroxetine) both contain fluorine and chloride and are drugs that are designed to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin (SSRI), which interferes with the biological actions of serotonin, a neurotransmitter. In these drugs, fluoride or 4-fluorophenyl, a compound, is an active ingredient in both Paxil and Prozac. That same compound is in some pesticides and other products. Fluorophenyl compounds alter the thyroid hormone activity and the liver in numerous ways. Patients who take paroxetine experience a reduction in the T4 level. In animal studies, there is a reduction in both the T4 and T3 levels. In the 1930s, researchers discovered that fluoride compounds, both organic and inorganic, including sodium fluoride, obstruct proper thyroid function. Thus, for many years, doctors used fluoride compounds to treat hyperthyroidism.
Because of their addictive characteristics, individuals taking SSRIs need to gradually withdraw from them due to the effects they have on the thyroid hormone system. Breastfed infants of mothers who take Prozac often experience decreased development compared to infants whose mothers do not take Prozac, a drug that may also contribute to hepatitis by causing the liver to dysfunction. It may also cause hyperthyroidism and visual hallucinations, such as moving images such as frightening flying or swarming translucent insects. In America, in 2007, health care professionals wrote more than 22.2 million prescriptions for generic fluoxetine, the third most-prescribed antidepressant.
SSRIs are doubly dangerous given the fact that they contain fluoride, a hazardous waste. That is in addition to the fact that they shrink brain tissue and cause numerous side effects including suicide and homicide ideation. For additional information on some of the drugs that contain fluoride, please click here.
“Quinolones (fluoroquinolones) are a class of antibiotics that are currently one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics in the world, given out in hundreds, if not thousands, of prescriptions daily. They are very powerful medications prescribed to treat a wide variety of infections but were never meant to be used as a first line of defense against routine infections, which is how they are often prescribed today. Like all antibiotics, quinolones, have the ability to cause side effects. However, what differentiates this class of antibiotics from others is that quinolones can cause severe adverse reactions that can disable the healthiest of individuals creating long lasting injuries.”